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So Many Ways to Play with Playdough … Part 2
With the challenge of the Playdough Pledge I was inspired to bring out different items to introduce into our playdough play! I put out feathers, toothpicks, sequins, pompoms, bottle caps, and pipe cleaners with our regular mix of playdough play items!
Homemade Playdough: A Rainbow of Kool-Aid Colors
If you read Monday’s post (So Many Ways to Play with Playdough) or Tuesday’s post (Playdough in Play Therapy) you might have noticed that we took the Playdough Pledge this week. It’s an online playdate hosted by Nurturestore, The Imagination Tree, and Sun Hats
Playdough in Play Therapy
Since I took the Playdough Pledge this week … I figured it was high time that I shared HOW and WHY I use play dough in my work as a play therapist. Play therapy uses PLAY as a way to
PlayDrMom turns One!
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I began this journey. I really didn’t know what to expect … but I never could have imagined what has unfolded. I have learned so many skills while creating the blog and growing
So Many Ways to Play with Play Dough
This is a real (not staged) photo I took of my daughter, Honor, over a year ago. She actually did fall asleep in play dough while playing … don’t worry I was right there observing, making sure she could breathe before