The ABCs of Happy Hooligans … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

It’s time again for the Kids Co-Op Weekly Linky!  And, of course, this week’s feature.

happy hooligans

Today I am SO happy to share another favorite blog of mine … Happy Hooligans!  Here are the ABCs of Jackie Currie of Happy Hooligans ..

Age – 44

Bed Size  – Queen

Chore that you hate – its a toss up between dusting and grocery shopping

Dogs – more of a cat lover myself

Essential start to the day – COFFEE

Favorite color – to wear: pink, to look at: turquoise

Gold or silver – silver

Height – 5’4

Instrument you play – piano

Job – Home daycare provider for past 14 years.  Prior to that I was a bank manager.

ages and names of kids  – Matthew 14, Andrew 11

Where do you Live? About an hour East of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Favorite Movie – Sound of Music?  Up?  Seriously, I don’ t have a clue.

Nickname – Jax

Overnight hospital stay – just for the birth of my boys

Pet Peeve – People who cough/sneeze into their hand(s)!  Aaack!!  Into your ELBOW, people!!

Quote – If you’re holding anyone else responsible for your happiness, you are wasting your time. – Oprah

Right or left handed – right

Siblings – a younger brother (who’s getting married this weekend!)

Time it takes you to get ready – 20 minutes

Underwear – sometimes (Oh HAHA… I’m KIDDING).

Vegetable you hate – Can’t really think of any, but I’m not crazy about peas

What makes you run late – Not much really,  I’m pretty punctual.

Xrays you’ve had – other than the typical dental xrays, just a chest xray for pneumonia one time

Yummy food that you make – chicken parm

Zoo Animal – I’m a sucker for the chimps.  I’ve wanted one since I was a kid.

And, now, this week’s linky!  Try to check out and comment on as many as you can!!!  And be sure to grab the button for your post or blog if you link up!

Kids Co-op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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    I love your ABCs. Such a fun read. Thank you 🙂

  2. Laura

    Thanks SO much for the comment, Pauline! Sometimes as a blogger it’s SO hard to know what people are enjoying!

  3. Shawn

    Great idea for a series!! Love it. Nice to meet you both.

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