Spring! Archive

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Behind the Scenes: Real. Super. Mom.

Real. Super. Mom.  For some reason people in general have the tendency to assume that what we see in photos or read about in the media is the whole story.  It is NEVER the whole story.  We only get mere glimpses

How Motherhood is like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Ever noticed how much Motherhood is like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?  Every time Alice thinks she has things figured out … everything changes.  She needs to be small to fit through the door … only to find out she needs to

The ABCs of EASTER!: And The Kids Weekly Co-Op

I’m not yet in my Easter Bonnet – with all the frills upon it- but I do know that Easter is on it’s way!  So here are the ABCs of Easter … fun ideas to help celebrate the return of the

Hip-pity, Hop-pity Easter Books for Kids!

Here’s some great Easter books for kids!  Perfect to read to kids over this month … OR maybe the Easter Bunny might even leave one or two of them in an Easter basket!!! Amazon.com Widgets The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett

Books about Bunnies!

There are a BUNCH of great books about bunnies and rabbits … perfect for reading this spring  … and great for Easter too! Amazon.com Widgets Pat the Bunny, by Dorothy Kunhardt – The classic touch and feel book. The Runaway Bunny,

More Playful Pranks for April Fools … the “Play on Words” edition!

My favorite jokes are usually ones that are play on words … and the English language is so wonderful for this!  Here are some past “play on word” pranks I’ve done for April Fools Day … For more playful pranks for

Art Appreciation with Henri, Egg Artiste (Virtual Book Club featuring Marcus Pfister)

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Marcus Pfister.  The kids and I had fun reading through some of his wonderful books, but we decided to focus on Henri, Egg Artiste. Henri is a professional Easter egg painter

The ABCs of St. Patrick’s Day … and The Weekly Kids Co-Op

This week I’m taking a break this week from featuring the ABCs of a fellow blogger to highlight the ABCs of St. Patrick’s Day.  Below you will find amazing ideas for celebrating the Irish, shamrocks, rainbows, and everything green … from

Upcycled DIY Dandelion Vase

… and a lot of these? You make an … Like most kids my sweeties are always picking wildflowers and giving me bunches of them.  I saw this cute idea from the Red Chair blog on Pinterest and just had to

Easter in a Jar

I’ve been pretty busy this month … so I didn’t get my Easter shopping done until today.  But even so I was able to quickly put together this cute Easter gift.  I got this super cute and simple idea from Dixie

Little Yellow Chicks

I saw this post from Happy Hooligans and we just had to try out our own version.  All you need to make these cute little yellow chicks are a few toilet paper rolls (cut in half), yellow paint (of course you could

Playful Pranks for April Fools Fun

I’ve always enjoyed having some fun with pranks on the first of April.  The first one I remember was calling my great-grandmother and telling her to run out to her front porch quickly because we had heard on the news that