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Halloween EQ: Sensitivity Training for kids AND ADULTS

Since Halloween is just a couple days away, I thought it was the PERFECT time to discuss the importance of being mindful about children’s feelings.  Actually, ANYTIME is good to discuss this .. but I have a couple of points to

Protective Armor Against BULLIES

Bullies.  They are out there.  Young and old.  People who tear down others … maybe to feel stronger, in more control, (falsely) better.  They may do it verbally … picking on someone’s faults or differences, making “jokes” or slanderous comments.  They

Screen Time Punch Cards

My kids, now 5 and 8, just started their SUMMER VACATION!  We are excited about all the fun we are going to have.  And one way I’m going to make sure that we have fun this summer is to limit screen

Behind the Scenes: Real. Super. Mom.

Real. Super. Mom.  For some reason people in general have the tendency to assume that what we see in photos or read about in the media is the whole story.  It is NEVER the whole story.  We only get mere glimpses

How Motherhood is like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Ever noticed how much Motherhood is like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?  Every time Alice thinks she has things figured out … everything changes.  She needs to be small to fit through the door … only to find out she needs to

LOVE-ly Books for Parents to Read with their Kids

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is read to my kids.  And some of my favorite books to read to them are special stories that talk about the special bond between kids and parents.  Here are some

A View of Children

What’s your view of children?  Precious?  Obnoxious? A mystery? Incomplete? Frustrating? Incapable? Our personal views about children are bound to vary throughout our own life … and, at times, even throughout the day (or hour!).  But it is important from time

Play of Adjusted and Maladjusted Children

As I was reviewing the required text, Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship (3rd Ed)“, by Garry Landreth, for the Psychotherapy with Children course I am teaching this trimester, I was reminded of the basic differences between the play of adjusted

Principles of Play: from Chazan

This image summarizes 2 pages of Chazan’s book on play therapy where she outlines the principles of play.  I wanted to share it with you because it encompasses many reasons why play is SO important for children. In case you’d like

Principles for Relationships with Children

In preparing for the start of the Psychotherapy with Children course that I’m teaching at the Michigan School of Professional Psychology, I decided to make a visual of Garry Landreth’s Principles for Relationships with Children.   While creating the image in PicMonkey

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Bundle up your kiddos, grab some thermoses filled with hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music, and … go for a drive to look at some electric holiday decorations! PlayDrMom’s Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt a nativity scene lit by floodlights a yard

When Witches Aren’t Just for Halloween: Pagan Children Learning Series

For many the talk of witches and magic isn’t over when November 1st rolls around.   For Pagans, discussions about magic and witches are of importance ALL year long. Pagan parents … and anyone interested in learning more about Paganism …