ABCs of Easy Crafts for Kids

(This post is part of my “ABCs of” feature series where I highlight one blogger a week by sharing fun facts about them A-Z!  Click here for the rest of the posts in the series!)

Today I’m featuring the ABCs of Easy Crafts for Kids which features fun crafts for kids that can be done in 10 steps or less.  Amanda (and her club of Crafty Critters) share step-by-step craft ideas that are very well organized by seasons and holidays.  If you’re looking for some simple crafts to keep kids busy definitely make sure to hop on over to the blog.

The ABCs of Easy Crafts for Kids

easy crafts

Age 30
Beverage of Choice Tea and Water
something you’d like to Change in your Life Love to get out of the 9-5 job
favorite Diversion Coloring and drawing – yep I still have a selection of coloring books!
Essential start of the day A quick stretch and a coffee
Favorite Color Pink, of any shade
Favorite Game Anything with Mario Brothers – fav would have to be Mario Kart (and only with Yoshi as my driver)
Height 5’4″
favorite Ice Cream flavor Hard to find but cinnamon gelato!
Beloved piece of Jewelry Necklace my husband bought me our first year together.
Kids (names & ages) I have two furbabies, Savannah (8) and Mookie (10)
Where do you Live Sudbury Ontario Canada
Favorite Movie(s) Tie between Labryinth and Wizard of Oz
Nickname Sweetie (from the hubby), Hobbit (from my brother) and little one (from most of the rest of my family)
Occupation Office Manager and Crafty Critter
a weird thing in your Purse/bag An American dollar bill I’ve had since I was 13 (mom gave it to me in my first wallet because its unlucky to give a wallet without money in it.
favorite Quote Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, its about making sure to dance in the rain.
Right or left-handed Right handed
Siblings One brother, 2 brothers in law and a sister in law.
Time it takes to get ready 5 minutes – brush hair and teeth and go!
Unusual Fact I am probably the clumsiest person you will EVER meet, but put me with a second clumsy person and neither of us will be clumsy!
Best Vacation A week camping just husband and I on a point on a lake where no one can access except by boat. No cell service, no power, just nature!
What makes you late Doesn’t usually happen but my forgetfulness will be the reason when it does.
Xrays you’ve had Head, spine, wrists, feet, I’m sure more to come!
Yummy food that you make Ramen, Almost Spagetti and Chunky Chicken Chilli
favorite Zoo animal Monkeys of any kind! I can watch them for HOURS!
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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Asad Jafar @ My Quirky Creation

    My nephew nickname is khomnie and he likes Tea very much! Love your ABC feature series.
    Asad Jafar @ My Quirky Creation recently posted…17+ Beautiful Container Garden Ideas and Plant PotsMy Profile

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