The Blog

This is to be a place to share my thoughts on parenting and playing … through my lens of being a mom that is also a therapist who specializes in children.  I want it to not only share the fun things we do, play, and create … but also WHY those things are SO important.

I post on the games we play, the places we go, our favorite toys, and the things we create together and for each other.  It is also a place for me to advocate for children and the importance of play, as well as sharing ways parents and teachers can strengthen relationships with the children in their lives.

About Me

My name is Laura Hutchison.  

I have been a practicing therapist since 1999 and obtained my doctorate in psychology (PsyD) in 2005 from The Center of Humanistic Studies (now called the Michigan School for Professional Psychology).  I have additional training from the Association for Play Therapy.  Play Therapy, in case you don’t know, uses play as a therapeutic tool to help clients/patients communicate and heal.  Currently I work part-time in my private practice while I am a full-time mom!

My husband, HutcH, and I have been married since October of 2000.  We have two kids … a son, Henry, born in March of 2006 … and a daughter, Honor, born in May of 2009.

I in NO WAY pretend to have all the answers!  My life/kids/family/house is FAR from perfect.  I may have some experience and education working with children, but … as a parent … I’m mostly flying by the seat of my pants like the rest of you!!!

You can contact me by leaving a comment here or on Facebook … or shoot me an email at  And for more about my private practice you can check out my professional webpage.

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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