The ABCs of From Tantrums to Treasure Hunts … and The Weekly Kids Co-Op

ABCs of From Tantrums to Treasure Hunts

Up this week in my ABCs feature series is the Kuhn Family, the heart behind the blog From Tantrums to Treasure Hunts.  A blog of a regular mom who wants to share her journey and inspire others to play with their kids.  I couldn’t agree more!

The ABCs of

Age 24
Beverage of Choice Sweet Tea or Water with Lemon
something you’d like to Change in your Life I dislike how fast I get bored with things. I have a hard time staying motivated.
favorite Diversion Glass of wine, Bubble bath, Music and a good book
Essential start of the day Cuddles from my boy followed by a huge cup of coffee
Favorite Color Pink
Favorite Game Spoons or Mexican Train
Height 5’4
favorite Ice Cream flavor Neapolitan
Beloved piece of Jewelry wedding ring and birthstone ring combo
Kids (names & ages) Gavin 4 in September
Where do you Live California
Favorite Movie(s) Pitch Perfect
Nickname Whatever my husband and son decide to call me that day.
Occupation Stay at home mom
a weird thing in your Purse/bag I carry about 9 pens and 15 different lip products along with just about everything except the kitchen sink
favorite Quote Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let you words heal, and not wound.
Right or left-handed Right
Siblings None
Time it takes to get ready Depends on where I am headed.. between 30-70 min
Unusual Fact I have never broken a bone, I put ice in my milk and I am severely claustrophobic
Best Vacation Any vacation with my family
What makes you late My son not wanting to get dressed, We are going through a ‘ I want to be naked stage ‘
Xrays you’ve had One, when I went skiing with my husband and my arm got caught between the seat and I was dangling on it while it went back down.
Yummy food that you make Chicken tacos
favorite Zoo animal Giraffe

And now for …

The Weekly Kids Co-Op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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