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LOVE-ly Books for Parents to Read with their Kids

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is read to my kids.  And some of my favorite books to read to them are special stories that talk about the special bond between kids and parents.  Here are some

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Bundle up your kiddos, grab some thermoses filled with hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music, and … go for a drive to look at some electric holiday decorations! PlayDrMom’s Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt a nativity scene lit by floodlights a yard

First Day Worries: Tips to help children starting (or returning) to school

The start of the school year is harder for some children. Maybe because it’s the very first time to attend school … maybe because it’s a new school due to a move or other life event … or maybe because the

Helping Kids Transition Back to School

It’s that time of year again … time for kids to head back to school. Whether you are parent that’s super excited to get your kids out of your hair and back to class or a parent that’s dreading the end

Sibling Rivalry: Tips, Books, & Helpful Links

Relationships between brothers and sisters are some of the most important and potentially longest lasting relationships in our lives.  As parents helping to foster these relationships is important, but despite our very best efforts, rivalry between siblings is BOUND to happen.

My Depression Story … end the stigma

This post was written as a contribution to the Perfectly Imperfect: Parenting with Mental Illness Blog Carnival.  The participating bloggers are sharing their experiences, thoughts, and opinions on how living with mental illness affects their daily lives and parenting practices. My

Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

Here’s a list of books for kids about divorce.  I use these in play therapy and recommend them to parents when the family is going through a divorce.  If you have some to add, please leave a comment below! The Family

14 Days of Busy Mamas Dating Their Husbands – PlayDrMom’s lunch date

I’m pretty lucky.  My parents help us out A LOT with our kids … not only do we get a night out about once a month, but they also watch the kids 3 afternoon/evenings a week when I go to work

PlayDrMom’s Favorite Holiday Movies & TV Shows

I really enjoy fully embracing the season.  I’m one of those crazy ladies that likes to listen to the Christmas station on the radio in my car or on Pandora Radio on my computer.  I’m probably just as excited (if not

Our Advent Calendar

Growing up one of my favorite things about the month of December was our advent calendar.  My mom made it from a kit when I was very young.  I can’t remember a Christmas season without it hanging up some where in

101 Ways of Happiness – part 4 of the collaborative series, Happy Holidays in Happy Homes

This post is the final post of a four part series about creating happy homes during the holidays.  The series, Happy Holidays in Happy Homes, is a collaborative effort between Angelique Felix, Jared Ritter, and myself.  If you’d like more info, check

Creating a Family – part 3 of the collaborative series Happy Holidays in Happy Homes

This post is the third part of a four part series about creating happy homes during the holidays.  The series, Happy Holidays in Happy Homes, is a collaborative effort between Angelique Felix, Jared Ritter, and myself.  If you’d like more info, check