Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

Books about Divorce

Here’s a list of books for kids about divorce.  I use these in play therapy and recommend them to parents when the family is going through a divorce.  If you have some to add, please leave a comment below!


  • The Family Book, by Todd Parr … a great way to begin the discussion that there are many different types of families.


  • Dinosaurs Divorce, by Laurene Krasny Brown & Marc Brown … this is always my “go-to” book when discussing divorce with kids.  It’s kinda lengthy, but use it as a resource books to talk about different aspects of divorce as they come up.


  • The “D” Word, by Julia Cook … At first Otis can’t even say the D word, but then he learns the 3 C’s of divorce (he didn’t Cause it, he can’t Control it, and he will learn to Cope with it).


  • Charlie Anderson, by Barbara Abercrombie … a wonderful story about two sisters, a cat, and discovering that having 2 homes isn’t necessarily a bad thing.



  • I Don’t Want to Talk About It, by Jeanie Franz Ransom … a picture book that describes many emotions that a young girl feels when she finds out about her parents’ divorce.



  • Fred Stays with Me, by Nancy Coffelt and Tricia Tusa … the book discusses divorce from a child’s point of view.


  • My Family’s Changing, by Pat Thomas … written by a psychotherapist to help explain divorce to preschool aged children.



  • When Mom and Dad Separate, by Marge Heegaard … a workbook for kids to help them sort out their feelings regarding the divorce.
  • My Parents are Divorced, My Elbows Have Nicknames, and Other Facts about Me, by Bill Cochran … a lighthearted book about having divorced parents doesn’t make you weird.
  • What Can I Do?, by Danielle Lowry … illustrates the cycle kids go through when their parents divorce.
  • When Mom and Dad Divorce, by Emily Menendez-Aponte … a spiritually based book to help kids with the conflicting emotions they may feeling when their parents get divorced.
  • Goodnight, Daddy, by Angela Seward … this is not for typical divorce situations, but geared toward helping a child deal with having an absent parent.
  • Mom and Dad Glue, by Kes Gray … a great book to help kids understand that divorce isn’t their fault.
  • Best of Both Nests, by Jane Clarke … a little bird comes to terms of living in 2 separate nests.
  • Two Homes, by Claire Masurel … a simple book for young kids about how there will be difference in both homes, but in each they will be loved.
  • Divorce is Not the End of the World: Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping Guide for Kids, by Zoe and Evan Stern … written by a brother and sister, this book is geared toward kids aged 8 and up to help them navigate the changes a divorce brings.
  • A Smart Girl’s Guide to Her Parent’s Divorce:  How to Land on Your Feet When Your World Turns Upside Down (American Girl), by Nancy Holyoke …    Geared for girls nine and older, the book covers varies aspects of divorce.
  • It’s Not Your Fault, KoKo Bear, by Vicki Lansky … simple book for parents to read to younger children about the subject of divorce.
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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Audrey Geddes

    These are wonderful recommends for children experiencing divorce. I have read Two Homes and Goodnight, Daddy to my daughter (I was divorced in ’03) and these really helped both of us. I think it’s important for parents to read books about divorce as well, especially from those who have shared experiences like Pam Evans in her memoir, Ring EXchange – Adventures of a Multiple Marrier. The author reveals that her many treks ”down the aisle” were part of a ”long and winding road” with learned lessons and wisdom to pass along to others, which is very helpful even if you’ve gone through just one divorce. You can find her website here:

  2. JDaniel4's Mom

    So many children have to deal with divorce! This is such a great resource list.

  3. Family Law West Palm Beach

    Laura, these are great book suggestions and thank you for sharing them with your readers. We’ll be sure to share these with our circle of friends too. Great post!

  4. Laura Hutchison

    Thank you for your comment! I hope they can be helpful for those you serve as well!

  5. Carol Gordon Ekster

    I would be grateful if you added my book for 6-10 year olds on shared custody, Where Am I Sleeping Tonight?-(A Story of Divorce), Boulden Publishing, 2008. I am a retired teacher who taught for 35 years and felt my students’ pain from divorce. One excellent review I received is my favorite because I believe it touches on my goal of giving hope to families and helping children understand they are not alone. You’ll find it here:
    Thank you! And thanks for this great resource you provide.

  6. Laura Hutchison

    Sure thing, Carol. I will definitely check your book out. Thanks so much for commenting!

  7. Bibika@Fixed Price Divorce Services

    This is a great resource. I was certain there is some literature for kids that are in this kind of situation, but i always assumed this is some guides for grownups, on how to present the problem to the kids. But this much better and much more appropriate. Thanks for sharing:)
    Bibika@Fixed Price Divorce Services recently posted…Why DIY is not the way for DivorceMy Profile

  8. Eric Oulette

    Great list! I also came across a good list of divorce books for kids here:

    They also have a lot of books and resources for step-parents and blended families.

  9. David Dickerman

    My book below was recently published. MOM, DAD, AND EVERYONE ELSE is picture book about divorce. Instead of focusing on the sadness of divorce, it concentrates on the potential positive outcomes such as new and exciting experiences and people in the child’s life. I truly believe it fills a gap in children’s literature about the subject that better reflects my own experiences. I hope this helps anyone in need!
    David Dickerman recently posted…David DickermanMy Profile

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