101 Ways of Happiness – part 4 of the collaborative series, Happy Holidays in Happy Homes
This post is the final post of a four part series about creating happy homes during the holidays. The series, Happy Holidays in Happy Homes, is a collaborative effort between Angelique Felix, Jared Ritter, and myself. If you’d like more info, check out my introduction post.
We are now at the end of a very special parenting series in which we have been showing you our passion for life, love, and our kids. In this final collaborative post all three of us -Solgave, Angelique Felix, and myself – each share activities with you that keeps us happy as a family. These things are sometimes very simple, but believe us, they can have enormous power.
We send you our best holiday wishes and may I say once more, before letting you head off reading our happiness tips, that “The best things in life are for FREE”!
For tips 1-33 head over to Angelique Felix’s … for tips 34-66 visit Solgave … and here are 67-100! (we’re leaving #101 up to YOU! Please a comment below!!!)
67. Read together! Here are some suggestions.
68. Foster independence in you children. Create task sheets to help them stay on task.
69. Help kids understand emotions through playful techniques.
70. If you can’t understand your child’s behavior, try asking them about it. Like when I FINALLY asked why my daughter refused to wear socks.
71. Find ways to promote your child’s positive behaviors.
72. Trust your own instincts and follow your own heart through parenting difficulties.
73. Learn (and stick with!) effective ways to set limits for your children.
74. Actually PLAY with your kids … let them take the lead and PLAY. (here’s some help if you need it!)
75. Take time to center yourself. (54321 relaxation technique)
76. Create seasonal family traditions. Make it something you all will look forward to all year round. For example, each year we can’t wait for our elf to show up at Christmastime. (a collection of our elf’s adventures)
77. Work together to create your family tree.
78. Play games together! (like these!!! part one, part two, and part three)
79. Interview your child. Here are some great questions to ask.
80. Go for a walk together. (let the children lead the way, like this.)
81. Look for smilies everywhere! Like this.
82. Have an impromptu dance party … turn up some music and DANCE!
83. Go on a shadow hunt! Like this.
84. Build something together as a family with what ever you have on hand … blocks, rocks, cans, paper tubes, whatever!
85. Spend time with each member of the family individually (like momma-son dates) … this is one I really want to focus on in the new year.
86. Take pictures of each other. Give the kids a chance to be the photographer too!
87. Look at old family pictures together.
88. Share stories of your own childhood with your kids.
89. When riding in the car listen to some music you don’t usually listen together … maybe classical, oldies, songs from your teenage years, etc.
90. Create an impromptu round-robin story … each person takes a turn to add to the story. (this is particularly wonderful around a campfire or fireplace!)
91. Work together to clean and organize your home. Taking on the responsibility together helps you bond as a family and instill great values. Organizing your space helps everyone feel more relaxed and in control of their environment.
92. Tell your kids (at least!) five things that you love about them each evening at bedtime.
93. LISTEN to each other. Truly listen. Without an agenda of what you, yourself, want out of the conversation … or your own attempt to fix something. Listen to what your family is trying to say.
94. Share your emotions and thoughts with each other. If something is upsetting you, talk it over as a family. If you act inappropriate or hurt another’s feelings, apologize sincerely. Don’t let anger and disappointment fester.
95. Write letters to your children to give to them when they are older.
96. Decorate your home for each season/holiday together.
97. From my daughter – “Pretend to be a real princess.”
98. From my son – “Go visit grandparents.”
99. From my husband -“Watch movies together as a family.”
100. My favorite – Spend time cuddling together … with some tickles too! :0)
The series is brought by you by three blogging parents:
Solgave.com is more than a blog, it’s a unique philosophy of life shared by Jared, an American now living in Sweden, and his wife Sunniva originally from Norway, and her 4 year old daughter Gabi, as they navigate the waters of life by focusing on the core elements that define them. Nature, animals, families, travel, healing, and overcoming obstacles are some of the things they share with passion.
AngeliqueFelix.com – The Magic Of Play is on a mission to bring play back in daily lives through bilingual songs, movement & creativity. Angelique teaches 0 to 6 years old in Italy, but comes from the Netherlands. She is a single mom loving passionately her only daughter Chanel every day.
Laura Hutchison
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Hi Laura,
I really enjoyed writing together with you, it was a challenge to express myself in the most profound way. So I guess number 101 for me would be …writing these series together with Laura and Jared!
Thank you for your input and effort, with a lot of affection and respect, Angelique