DIY Gel Boards … and Kids Co-Op LINKY

When I saw this awesome idea on Pinterest from Chasing Cheerios (could that blog name be any cuter?!?)  … I JUST had to give it a try.  DIY gel boards for fun, mess-free, sensory play … perfect for practicing pre-writing skills too!

All it takes is a foam board (I got a package of 5 small ones that were the perfect size … just a bit bigger than a gallon size baggie), hair gel, gallon size ziploc bags, duct tape, and glitter (optional!).

I used the name-brand ziploc bag … but in hindsight, using the generic would have been better because they usually don’t have any printing on them.  The kids enjoyed the squirting hair gel into the baggies …

After the bags had the gel and glitter in them, I put them on the foam board by taping them with duct tape.

I also taped the entire back of each board to help secure the baggie on and help the board last longer.

It took a couple of tries to perfect the project, but the 1st attempts are still pretty cool.  I found that I was filling the bags with too much gel … especially if we wanted to use them for letter practice/writing.  Also, we found that after a couple days the color of the glitter and gel mixed together (making the green gel an orangey brown and the blue gel a light red).

I personally like the light blue gel one without the glitter and the least amount of gel … but the kids really play with all of them.   The actually seem to like the fullest one because of the sensory, squishy aspect of it!

Mario likes this one …

So, what ways have YOU played this week?  I’m excited to announce that I am a part of a BRAND NEW linky group, the Weekly Kids Co-Op, centered on the importance of children’s PLAY!  Every Friday I will feature a playful activity and post the linky.  We’d love you to join in too!  Join the Kids Co-op …

You can join the Weekly Kids Co-op in two ways:

  1. add a link to your play-based post here and have it shared on all the other blogs who are hosting.
  2.  become a Kids Co-op host yourself. We would like to grow and grow the link-up as a collaboration of child-focused bloggers. Just as Pinterest Boards the Kid Blogger Network Activity & Crafts and The Parent Watercooler have been HUGELY successful as the result of having lots of contributors, we would like to invite you to join this link-up as a host and share the fun. If you’d like to run the Kids Co-op link up along with us and feature it on your blog each week, you can find the group on Facebook and ask to join in the FUN.

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Amanda

    This will be a great activity for our upcoming road trip! Thanks for the idea!

  2. Laura Major

    Holy Smokes! What a great collection of goodies! I’m going to give those Gel Boards a try myself!
    I just found your blog Laura and I’m so loving it! I posted a link to it on my facebook page, but couldn’t link up to your page! 🙁 I know the ladies and gents will love your blog too! I also hope it helps to get your fb numbers up for you as well!

    Laura <3

  3. Laura

    Thanks so much! Sorry about not being able to link up the page on FB … maybe try it again? I greatly appreciate your comment and support!!!

  4. Homeschoolonadime

    I love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing. If you want to get the name brand lettering off the baggies, use nail polish remover (just make certain you clean the chemicals off before the littles touch it).

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