Shadow Play: Day 1, SHADOW HUNT

Ever since Groundhog’s Day we’ve been talking about shadows.  Honor (age 2 1/2) asked her big brother, Henry (almost 6), “What’s a shadow?”  He responded,

“You know, that dark thing that looks just like you and follows you everywhere.”

That honest and developmentally appropriate answer made me want to explore the aspects of shadows much deeper with both kids.  One way we did this was to go on                                                                 SHADOW HUNTS!

I challenged Honor to hunt for shadows one day when we were on a walk.  When we found a shadow, I would ask her what was making the shadow.  She had difficulty with this at first, so I had her follow the shadow (from the farthest spot) up to the object.  After doing this a few times she began to make the association between objects and their shadows.  Here’s some of our finds (hover over each photo to find out what it is!)  …

I also had both kids play this game in the car (no photos for obvious reasons!).  It was a partly sunny windy day, so the sun was going in and out of the clouds quickly.  Henry talked about how the shadows were disappearing and appearing as the clouds moved.  I glanced over while at a stop light and it was a somewhat magical show … as the shadows came and went.

Be sure to come back tomorrow to find out how kids from all over the world answered the question, “Where does your shadow go when you are sleeping?”

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Crystal @ Growing A Jeweled Rose

    Great post! I wish my daughter was old enough to reply to the question, Where does your shadow go when you are sleeping? I so look forward to hearing her response to questions like this. I can’t wait to read the collaboration of answers :)))

  2. Elizabeth

    How fun! I’m going to go on a shadow hunt with my kids tomorrow for sure! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Laura

    Have fun! Thanks for commenting, Elizabeth!

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