The ABCs of Mamascout … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

So, after a week off for Screen-Free week I’m back to my weekly ABCs feature that coincides with my post of the Kids Co-Op Linky.  This will actually be my ELEVENTH ABCs feature.  If you’d like to see all of them, click here.  For more of my favorite fellow bloggers, visit my Pinterest page, Blogging Buddies!.

This week I’m super-psyched to feature Amy from Mamascout.  Not only does she have an amazing blog filled with beautiful photos and the fun things she does with her kids, she’s also the extremely talented creator behind Mama Merit Badges.  If you haven’t heard of these before … well, I’ll allow you to stop reading this post right now and go check it out (but then come right back, ok?).  Mama Merit Badges are JUST want they sound like … merit badges (just like the ones from scouts) that parents earn for the duties of parenthood.  Awesome, right?!?  So, here are the …

ABCs of Mamascout

Age 38 or 12
Bed (size) Double, and I sometimes wake up with not only my husband, but two other boys, a chihuahua and a cat. A bigger bed might be in order!
Chore you Hate Putting laundry away!
Dogs? old, deaf mutt and the afore mentioned chihuahua
Essential start of the day french press coffees and Nag Champa incense
Favorite Color black
Gold or Silver? silver
Height 5’8”
Instrument Sadly none, well – maybe rhythm egg
Job homeschool mama and mama merit badges
Kids yes -3! ages 10, 8, and 6.
Where do you Live? Central Florida, between the sea and the swamp and near a certain famous rodent.
Favorite Movie so many, but how about Harold and Maude
Nickname moooooooooooom!
Overnight hospital stay 3 times when my children were cut out of my body!
Pet Peeve people who do not take responsibility for their lives
favorite Quote “i imagine that yes is the only living thing.” e.e. cummings
Right or left-handed? right
Siblings? one brother who is also my neighbor and a pretty great uncle (he just built a slack line for my 6 yo!)
Time it takes to get ready 10 minutes to get dressed and primp and 3 hours to drink coffee, do my morning reading, organize my to go bag, make a phone call, do a quick craft, clean up a mess, chase the dog down the street, look up something about two headed turtles for my son, bandage someone up, help find shoes, fill a water bottle….
Underwear black and comfy. help me if i ever have to wear a pair of white pants – i am not prepared!
Vegetable you hate okra
What makes you late? trying to cram too many books and journals into my purse. i feel like i need to be prepared in case i am stuck somewhere for 2 weeks.
Xrays you’ve had all sorts of joints, checking for arthritis damage
Yummy food that you make gazpacho
favorite Zoo animal any great ape

And, now … the weekly Kids C0-Op!
The Weekly Kid's Co-op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. amy bowers

    Thank you so much for featuring me! This was such a fun survey to fill out!

  2. Deborah

    Always a treat to read those ABC’s – thanks for sharing:)

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