Keepsake Questions to ask kids on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, … or ANYDAY

A few years back I found this list of questions that are terrific as keepsake questions to ask kids on a Facebook note (if anyone knows the original source, PLEASE let me know!).

  1. What is something mom/dad always says to you?
  2. What makes mom/dad happy?
  3. What makes mom/dad sad?
  4. How does your mom/dad make you laugh?
  5. What was your mom/dad like as a child?
  6.  What is her/his favorite thing to do?
  7.  What does your mom/dad do when you’re not around?
  8.  If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
  9.  What is your mom/dad really good at?
  10.  What is your mom/dad not very good at?
  11.  What does your mom/dad do for a job?
  12.  What is your mom’s/dad’s favorite food?
  13.  What makes you proud of your mom/dad?
  14.  If your mom/dad were a cartoon character, who would she be?
  15. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
  16.  How are you and your mom/dad the same?
  17.  How are you and your mom/dad different?
  18.  How do you know your mom/dad loves you?
  19. What does your mom/dad like most about your dad/mom?
  20. Where is your mom’s/dad’s favorite place to go?

Since then I’ve been asking them to Henry every year … usually around Mother’s & Father’s Day.  I love hearing his honest, candid answers.  I also love to look back at the previous years to see how he’s developed … and how our relationship is changing.

I also frequently use this list as an assessment of parent-child relationships in my work as a child therapist.  It’s very useful when I need to gather more information on how the child perceives their parents and how they view the relationship.  (important!  depending on the moment that the questions are asked, answers can change drastically … so always remember to take answers with a grain of salt and to look at the whole bigger picture when using the questions in this manner!)

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Jen@Plain Vanilla Mom

    This is so cute! Thank you for sharing! Happy Mother’s Day 🙂

  2. Angelique

    I will start asking these questions too, what a great idea!!

    Thanks for sharing your post with us on Made With Love,

  3. The Iowa Farmer's Wife

    My husband did these with my daughter for Mother’s Day! It was so fun to read her answers! I’ll have to use some of yours for Father’s Day! 🙂

  4. Carrie

    What a great idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you are having a great week!

  5. Love and Lollipops

    Hi there,

    I am so thrilled to have found your blog. I too am a Mom of two and psychologist specializing in children and play therapy…we are probably not the only two in the blogging world (hehe), but it sure is fun to have found you! Thanks so much for this list…I’m pinning it to my Pinterest Therapy page.

    I’m sure to be spending a bit of time here 🙂

    Take care,
    (South Africa)

  6. Patricia Torres

    This is truly amazing.. Thats a brilliant set of questions.. and I must try that with my girlies.. What a brilliant.. idea!! 😉 Thank you for linking into made with love..

  7. kulchirie

    1. What is something mom/dad always says to you?
    2. What makes mom/dad happy?
    3. What makes mom/dad sad?
    4. How does your mom/dad make you laugh?
    5. What was your mom/dad like as a child?
    6. What is her/his favorite thing to do?
    7. What does your mom/dad do when you’re not around?
    8. If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
    9. What is your mom/dad really good at?
    10. What is your mom/dad not very good at?
    11. What does your mom/dad do for a job?
    12. What is your mom’s/dad’s favorite food?
    13. What makes you proud of your mom/dad?
    14. If your mom/dad were a cartoon character, who would she be?
    15. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
    16. How are you and your mom/dad the same?
    17. How are you and your mom/dad different?
    18. How do you know your mom/dad loves you?
    19. What does your mom/dad like most about your dad/mom?
    20. Where is your mom’s/dad’s favorite place to go?

  8. Laura

    Thanks for those great additions!

  9. Theresjustonemommy

    What a great idea! I would love to ask my kids some of these and look back on their answers when they are older!
    Theresjustonemommy recently posted…Make Your Own Wind Anemometer!My Profile

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