The ABCs of Small & Friendly … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Link Up!!!

It’s FRIDAY … and it’s time for me to feature another great blogger.  But this week I’m mixing things up a bit!!!  I re-vamped the ABC list to include some different fun about the bloggers I love.

This week’s feature is Carla from Small & Friendly.  Her blog is filled with wonderful ideas for “adventures in modern homemaking.”  It’s a great mix of sewing ideas, crafts, projects, and comments on motherhood!  Here’s a post you might really enjoy … a Simple Counting Game.  And here are the …

ABCs of Small & Friendly

My Photo

Age 29
Beverage of Choice Coffee or Wine … depending on the hour
Chore you Hate scrubbing the toilet
Daily Routine Depends on the day: sometimes lots of work, other times lots of play. Always wrapped up with a home cooked family meal and lots of stories before bed.
Essential start of the day Snuggles with my little one
Favorite Color Red
Favorite Game Scrabble
Height 5’10”
favorite Ice Cream flavor salted carmel
Beloved piece of Jewelry wedding ring
Kid(s) Jude, 2
Where do you Live Sonoma County, CA
Favorite Movie(s) The Princess Bride
Nickname CoCo
Occupation Mom, Blogger, Business Adminstrator
Pet Peeve “I can’t”
favorite Quote “When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky” -Buddha
Right or left-handed right
Siblings two younger sisters
Time it takes to get ready 10 min for an average day, one hour for a date
Unusual Fact I’m a Flamenco dancer in my spare time
Best Vacation Backpacking across Italy
What makes you late lost keys/sunglasses
Xrays you’ve had none
Yummy food that you make Lasagna
favorite Zoo animal tiger

Now for this week’s Kids Co-Op Link Up!

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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