Utilizing the books of Tomie dePaola as parenting and therapeutic resources

Participating in the Virtual Book Club for Kids has been a great way to study different authors not only with my kids at home … but to also introduce me to more children’s book that I can use at work and recommend to families.  Here are some wonderful books that by Tomie dePaola that are great to use as parenting and therapeutic resources:

  • Watch Out for the Chicken Feet in Your Soup – great for a discussion about cultural differences and accepting family members.
  • The Knight and the Dragon – playful book about changing circumstances and becoming friends.
  • The Art Lesson – wonderful story about creativity and keeping one’s individuality.
  • Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs – the author shares his own experiences about being blessed to experience knowing different generations of his family and the grief of losing them.
  • Oliver Button Is a Sissy – I really wish I could say that this book is outdated, but as many of us know making fun of those who don’t adhere to society’s gender roles is still an issue kids face.  This book great for discussing those issues and name calling in general.
  • Trouble in the Barkers’ Class – A great book for discussing being a new kid in school, bullying, and being a good friend.
  • Now One Foot, Now the Other – A beautiful, heartfelt book about a how a grandfather’s love helps a grandson grow … and how, in turn, a grandson’s love helps his grandfather.
  • A New Barker in the House – An adoption story about how twins Morgie and Moffie adjust to a new addition to their family.
  • The Baby Sister – A great book about awaiting and receiving a new baby sister.
  • Stagestuck – This book discusses a couple of social issues … not getting what you want, stealing the show from others, AND falling in love with performing.
  • Strega Nona – The classic book about not getting into things that aren’t yours and the importance of listening (and following!) directions!

This month we are spotlighting books by Tomie dePaola for our Yearlong Virtual Book Club for Kids! 

Will you join us?  All you have to do is…

  1. Pick a Tomie dePaola book to read with your child!
  2. Do any activity, craft, cooking project, or other book inspired activity that goes along with the book your chose.
  3. Share what you did with us starting Monday, November 19th! We will have a linky up for 3 weeks where you can share any blog posts (if you are a blogger) or you can post what you did at the end of the linky post in the comments or on our Facebook wall.

I can’t wait to see all of your fabulous ideas! Thanks for participating!

For more updates and to see loads of the posts by participating bloggers, head on over and “Like” our Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook page.

You can also check out lots of fun ideas on some if the other participating blogs!

Toddler Approved – Rainy Day Mum – Adventures in Reading with Kids – 3 Dinosaurs – Royal Baloo – The Educators’ Spin On It – Inspiration Laboratories – Pleasantest Thing – Edventures with Kids – Two Big Two Little– Playing With Words 365 – Kitchen Counter Chronicles – Outlaw Mom –Mommy and Me Book Club – Crafty Moms Share – No Twiddle Twaddle –The Good Long Road – Ready. Set. Read 2 Me – Reading Confetti – Mama Smiles – Juggling with Kids– Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas – Creekside Learning –Creative Family Fun – The Usual Mayhem – Teach Preschool – PlayDrMom –CraftoArt – Here Come the Girls – Being a Conscious Parent – Smiling like Sunshine – Crayon Freckles – Train Up a Child – Smile Play LearnPlease only share activities inspired by Tomie dePaola books.  All other links will be deleted.

Want to get a head start on December?  Our featured author next month is Jan Brett!


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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. The Picture Book Review

    We love Tomie DePaola — how could one not? With my two-year-old son I’ve been reading Tomie DePaola’s Little Mother Goose book and we’ve enjoyed that a lot. I like your brief synopsis about each. It is very helpful and I’m looking forward to reading more Tomie DePaola books. Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jaymie Shook

    Yes ma’am, I will join you! Headed to the library today, so we’ll pick up some of this author’s books there. Thanks for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop as a reminder!

  3. Renee C.

    Tomie dePaola is such a prolific writer. I can’t imagine how many of his books we’ve read in his house. If I should ever get so organized, I’m going to join in the Virtual Book Club for Kids! One day!!

    Thanks for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop! Nice to see you again and hope to see you in the next one happening next week. Cheers! 😀

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