The ABCs of Raising Playful Tots … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky!

Today I’m featuring another amazing blogger, Melitsa.  But she’s not only a blogger … she also has a wonderful podcast series that has endless ideas on how to connect with children.  (You definitely will want to check out show #120 featuring yours truly!)  So, here are …

The ABCs of Raising Playful Tots

Raising Playful Tots Index

Age Late 30s. Why is it so hard to remember your age?
Beverage of Choice Spiced apple tea, Caro or Roobos tea. I did have a thing for banana milk but thankfully that phase is over.
Chore you Hate Putting away the piles I make. I tend to spread.
Daily Routine Nothing regular not really a creature of habit. Getting up before the kids, instead of with the kids, is a new daily routine. Little time for me, the blog and podcast, husband and kids. I must listen to something fun or makes me think each day.
Essential start of the day Quiet time and stretching….there is so little quiet time in our house.
Favorite Color Green
Favorite Game Scrabble. Love it. Totally terrible at it with 3 and 4 letter words, so I frustrate most serious players. The kids are beginning to beat me now, but I still love it.
Height 1.71m
favorite Ice Cream flavor Not keen on ice cream… kid’s get my scoop. Now if you said Chocolate…..
Beloved piece of Jewelry Only pieces: wedding and engagment rings
Kids (names & ages) Big Guy 9, Middle One 6 and Little One 4- 3 smiley active boys and 1 pooped mum and dad.
Where do you Live Yorkshire, England
Favorite Movie(s) Bourne- any of the first three, Shakespeare in Love
Nickname Mel
Occupation Worked as a Primary Teacher. Now Mum with many hats!
Pet Peeve Lights on in empty rooms
favorite Quote Joshua 1:9
Right or left-handed Right
Siblings Yes, one.
Time it takes to get ready 20 minutes if given the chance but I’m usually distracted or interrupted. Can pull it off in 5-10mins and usually done in stages.
Unusual Fact I have lived in more homes than years I have been married
Best Vacation Lake Bled- Slovenia.
What makes you late Me. Serial procrastinator…that one last thing to do…oh and just this….and that… You get the picture.
Xrays you’ve had Oh lots- Never for any broken bones
Yummy food that you make Veggie enchiladas and apple crumble
favorite Zoo animal Elephant- I also like the Kangeroos but they are always so hard to see. Keep bouncing off further back.

And now for this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky …

Kids Co  op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Becky

    I’ve actually been to Bled, Slovenia and LOVED it!!! What a green, pristine paradise on earth:).

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