Footwear to Fairy House: Make a Simple Fairy with a Old Boot

This week at PlayDrMom it’s all about Fairies!  A very exciting and magical event happening this Friday (September 20th) on the Autumnal Equinox  …

International Fairy Tea Party image

The International Fairy Tea Party!

Today as part of the celebration, my four-year-old daughter, Honor, and I want to share how we took a boot that she outgrew and turned it into a special dwelling for a lucky little fairy.

PlayDrMom turns a boot into a Fairy House!

It was super simple really … we started with paint because Honor assured me that this was a requirement.  I’m sure how well the washable paint will do on a rubber boot placed outside after awhile … but there was really no changing this young artists mind on this step.

painting the boot

While she was painting I started creating the roof.  A small sheet of craft foam folded in half turned out to be almost the perfect size for the top of the boot.  I only trimmed it just a bit to fit. To make the effect of roof tiles I drew in lines with a Sharpie marker.

We also decided that the house definitely needed a door … Honor was insistent that it must be a REAL door that the fairies could open and close.  So I took my Exacto knife and cut a door shape in the middle of one side of the boot.  I used another color of craft foam an cut a door to fit the shape I cut in the boot.  Then it was time to break out my trusty glue gun!  We found a small button and glued it on the door for the door knob.  I also used the glue gun to adhere the foam door on the boot in a way that it was open just a bit for the fairies to walk in.

making a door on the fairy house             fairy house complete

The final touch was adding a “Welcome Fairies” sign above the door!  And then the completed Fairy House was ready to place in our fairy garden (more on that later this week!)!

Taking the Fairy House Boot to the Fairy Garden

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Mel Brammer

    Love it! We have a fairy circle cut from old logs in one corner of the garden, but so far no fairies have moved in. We’ve added a wand made from a willow twig bent to a star shape, but they haven’t taken the hint yet, so we’re going to plant some nice flowers for them. I feel confident that not long after this a fairy door will “appear” in one of the logs, and then one of the five fairies (I’ve already bought them) will move in. Later, if we make a fairy house, one of her friends will move in too…. and so on!

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