ABCs of Encourage Play

(This post is part of my “ABCs of” feature series where I highlight one blogger a week by sharing fun facts about them A-Z!  Click here for the rest of the posts in the series!)

Today I am featuring the ABCs of Encourage Play.  And I’m pretty sure if Janine and I had the chance to meet in person we’d be two peas on a pod!  We both have a strong passion for the POWER of PLAY … not to mention we both are in the field of mental health AND we’re moms!  Her blog focuses on interpersonal skills, intrapersonal  skills, resources, and … of course … PLAY!!!  Through her site you can also order amazing play kit subscription boxes that are designed to help kids build social skills.  Be sure to check them out!

The ABCs of


Age 36
Beverage of Choice coffee and wine
something you’d like to Change in your Life I’d love to declutter my house and just have less stuff – it’s a work in progress!
favorite Diversion Crocheting and watching Netflix
Essential start of the day A cup of coffee and a few minutes to myself with my laptop
Favorite Color Blue
Favorite Game Animal Crossing on the 3DS
Height 5′ 2″
favorite Ice Cream flavor Chocolate chip cookie dough
Beloved piece of Jewelry The diamond band from my husband from one of our earliest anniversaries
Kids (names & ages) My daughter is 7 and my son is 4 (almost 5)
Where do you Live We live on the South Shore of Massachusetts
Favorite Movie(s) I love the Harry Potter Movies and The Lord of the Rings movies.
Nickname People call me J9 or Ninja. Ninja is ironic because I’m the biggest klutz; I’m always bumping into stuff and getting injured.
Occupation I have a few 🙂 A Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Founder of Encourage Play, Zumba Instructor and Mom
a weird thing in your Purse/bag Rocks – my kids like to collect them when we’re out, and I just put them in my purse and forget.
favorite Quote “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – Shakespeare
Right or left-handed Right handed
Siblings I have two, an older brother and a younger sister. My sister and I are 2 1/2 years apart, just like my kids. I also have 4 brothers-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law.
Time it takes to get ready I’m pretty low maintenance, I’d say 10-15 minutes.. When I’m dealing with my crazy hair, it takes longer.
Unusual Fact My husband and I dated for 6 months in the 10th grade.
Best Vacation Toronto last summer – we spent a few weeks there as a family and it was awesome.
What makes you late I can never find my phone, so I’m constantly searching for it before we go out.
Xrays you’ve had Twice on my lungs to see if I had pneumonia (I did).
Yummy food that you make My kids love the breaded chicken I make – I make it with flaxseed, it’s delicious!
favorite Zoo animal Giraffes
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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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