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Play Therapy Resources: Toys, Materials, & Organizations

Constructive Playthings 800-448-4115 Discovery Toys 800-341-8697 The Doll Hospital & Toy Soldier Shop 800-551-7523 Oriental Trading Company 800-228-2269 Rhode Island Novelty 800-528-5599 Self Esteem Shop 800-251-8336 Toys of the Trade 866-461-2929 Toys to Grow On

TOYS: tools of the trade

Here’s a list I complied from many play therapy resources of what toys to include in a play therapy room.  It’s also a great list for home play rooms too!  

Books on Play Therapy

Want to learn more about play therapy?  Here are some of my favorite resources … Widgets    Dibs: In Search of Self,   by Virginia Axline Play Therapy,  by Virginia Axline The Child’s Discovery of Himself,  by Clark Moustakas Psychotherapy

Basic Principles of Child-Centered Play Therapy (Axline)

These principles are directly quoted from Virginia Axline (1969) Play Therapy. They are the long-standing essentials of non-directive play therapy, however the word “therapist” in each statement could easily be changed to “parent” or “teacher” to help children grow to be psychological

Candy Experiments (aka What to do with ALL that Halloween candy?!?)

So … what to do with ALL that Halloween candy?  I definitely don’t want us eating all of it … therefore, in the name of science we will sacrifice some! This worked especially well because Henry’s awesome kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Walch)

Playing with My Food: Halloween 2011

Along with all the fun projects, I’ve also been playing with my food … Halloween style.  Here’s some fun we’ve had … … just a PBJ on a sandwich thin … with 2 eyes and a mouth! … Halloween cheese and

Creating a Cuckoo Clock (and Bird) Costume

Thanks to an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Mickey’s Adventures in Wonderland … where Mickey & Donald chase after a runaway cuckoo bird), Honor has been quite interested in cuckoo clocks.  Also, one of her favorite songs is “Tick tock tick

Special Treats For Extra Special Trick-or-Treaters

With all the great Halloween ideas I am finding this year on blog sites and Pinterest, I found some that I really wanted to do for all my favorite trick-or-treaters. Mummy Bars (Hershey Chocolate Bars wrapped in bandages and given google

Playing with Pumpkins!

I was inspired this year to get lots of smaller pumpkins to decorate a bunch of ways … rather then getting just a couple to carve like we normally do.  Here are some ways we played with our pumpkins this year

the League of Leaf People

I was super excited to do this project as our first with some of the kids in our new neighborhood.  Including us, there are now 8 kids, under 9 years old, living in adjacent houses.  This opportunity of having playmates so

Ghastly Gourd Goblins

I got this idea from a couple of different posts (from mom websites) and “pins” (on Pinterest).  We’ve had tons of fun taking small pumpkins and gourds and turning them into our own little gaggle of goblins.  All it took was

Halloween Reading

One of the areas that I have REALLY been wanting to blog about are children’s books. I LOVE reading to my kids’ … and I never have (and never will) regret the time I spend reading to them. And, since the