Shadow Play: Day 5, Rounding Up Some Shadows

So, here’s DAY 5, the final day of the Shadow Play series of posts.  I hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have creating them!  Since I’ve been posting about our shadow play this week, I also wanted to include some other great posts on shadows and shadow play.  So, here’s a round-up of some of my favorites:

Basic Shadow Play and the science behind it, from Inspiration LaboratoriesShadow Stories, from Small Types

Wax resist paintings as a backdrop for shadow play, from Inspiration Surrounds, Creativity Abounds

 Shadow Tracing, from Palisades Preschool

Coloured Stacking Cups (and shadows), from The Imagination Tree

And … how about one more from me … simply taking pictures or video taping your children’s shadows on a blank wall can also be a really fun playful activity.  You can really get some really cool shots this way!  I have an excellent video that I made of Henry’s shadow dancing a couple years ago … I converted it to black and white and put it to music.

[important play therapist note:  many of these shadow activities could be great starting points to discuss and play out MANY therapeutic issues … fears, “shadows of our past”, etc.]

Do you have any shadow games, crafts, books, or activities for kids?  I’d LOVE to hear about them!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.
  1. amy bowers

    i just bought the app cinemagram and you can take a photo and then animate part of it (really, really easy). alot of people take pictures that show a static person with only their shadow moving – really cool and evocative! it was only $2 and would be so fun to play with kids.

  2. Maureen Wagner

    We did a week on shadow play at the beginning of February. You can check out this link to see

  3. Ness

    Wow, what a fantastic roundup of ideas! How have I missed this series before now? My son is fascinated by shadows at the moment so I’m going back to read the rest of the series. Thanks so much for all the inspiration!

  4. Laura

    That sounds SO cool, Amy! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Laura

    Ness, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Trisha @ Clarion Wren

    Thanks for including me in your round up. I’ve enjoyed reading all of your shadow play ideas!

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