Create a Simple Outdoor Music Play Area

I’ve seen lots of great ideas on Pinterest on ways to create music areas for outside …  and I wanted to give it a shot. Here’s our SUPER SIMPLE Outdoor Music Play Area …

Like I said, SUPER SIMPLE.  I hung a long piece of red plastic cording between two trees at a good height for my kids in an area the don’t run through.  I chose the plastic cording because I didn’t want to worry about it getting wet, molding, or breaking.  (However, the cording does stretch over time and I am finding that I am continually having to tighten it.) From there we added different items to hang from the cording … experimenting along the way with what works and sounds cool when it’s hit with sticks or wooden and plastic spoons.  I love the fact that we can continue to add and replace different items as we choose.  So far we have …

  • a small bottle filled with rice
  • a plastic container filled with hickory nuts
  • different combinations of jingle bells and metal washers strung on the plastic cording
  • metal mason lid rings

Making the strings of bells and washers was also a great fine-motor skill activity for my daughter who’s 3.  She loved helping make them!

 Check out some more great outdoor music ideas …


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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.
  1. Tricia

    What a simple idea! I love it!

  2. Kelly

    I love the simplicity of your music play area, it just goes to show that setting up an area like this doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive 🙂 And thanks for sharing our bells x

  3. Kierna Corr (@CiarnaC)

    Love this, and it is so simply & achievable for anyone, thanks so much for adding this the outdoor play link up & now I’m off to explore your blog! Kierna

  4. andiejaye

    such a fun idea to spruce up the outdoor play area! pinning it to my board. thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  5. Carrie

    What a fun idea! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  6. Christine

    What a great idea! So neat! I’ve featured you today on my blog. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Ann @ My Nearest and Dearest

    Great post! I love how simple it is and that it allows for items to be replaced as needed or desired. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. katepickle

    What a lovely simple idea! I think I will have to start collecting things we could hang outside to bash… er… I mean … make music with!

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