The ABCs of The Educators’ Spin On It … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky!

I hope that everyone reading along has been enjoying the ABCs feature series … because I SURE do enjoy being able to highlight amazing blogs and bloggers!  This week I’m excited to feature not one, but TWO bloggers.  The amazing best friend duo behind The Educators’ Spin On It.  They both are experienced parents and elementary school teachers that believe “parents are their children’s first and most important teacher.”  Their blog is filled with amazing ideas to promote learning in fun ways.  One of these ways is their Love Books! ongoing Link Up that is FILLED with great children’s books and activities to go with them.  Love Books! also organizes those AWESOME book exchanges … like the Summer Book Exchange that I took apart in when I swapped books with B. Inspired Mama!

The ABCs of

the educators' spin on it

Amanda Kim
Age 32 37
Beverage of Choice Water Sweet Tea
Chore you Hate Dishes Bathrooms
Daily Routine In a nutshell: Breakfast, Walk, Outside time, Learning time with the kids, lunch, naps, errands, dinner, books and snuggles, then bed Up at the crack of dawn, carpool, fun with the littlest one, little trips with the bigger one, catching up with the college one, a little cleaning and cooking here and there, and then it’s in my bed no earlier than 11.
Essential start of the day I need coffee Snuggle from my snuggle bunnies
Favorite Color Any shade of blue pale yellow
Favorite Game I enjoy playing Cribbage with my family Pictionary
Height 5’8 5’5”
favorite Ice Cream flavor Starbucks Java Chip mint chocolate chip
Beloved piece of Jewelry My basic wedding band wedding ring with 3 diamonds representing the past, present, and future together
Kids Ages 6, 2 1/2 and one on the way 19, 6, 1 ½
Where do you Live In the south! United States
Favorite Movie(s) Any romantic comedy Harry Potter Movies
Nickname Mom Mom of all trades
Occupation Educator Early Childhood Educator turned SAHM
Pet Peeve People who talk and text on the phone while driving “But why do I have to?”
favorite Quote Believe in yourself Reach for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars
Right or left-handed Right right
Siblings A younger brother little sister
Time it takes to get ready Me – less than 2 minutes. Me getting everyone ready – 40 minutes 30 minutes I can have us all ready!
Unusual Fact I used to run the heptathalon My husband is from India
Best Vacation Any time I can visit my family London
What makes you late Last minute bathroom breaks something seems to always be missing
Xrays you’ve had At the dentist just my teeth
Yummy food that you make Just made chicken enchiladas, meatloaf, blueberry coffee cake and more on Saturday Indian Butter Chicken
favorite Zoo animal The giraffe Mommy and baby Gorillas

And now for this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky!!!

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Kim @ The Educators' Spin On It

    Thanks you so much for hosting us and sharing some fun info about Amanda and me. We hope that your readers will take a moment to come visit us and say hello. We are such big fans of you and your site, such talent! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  2. Laura

    Thanks SO much, Kim! Those words mean a lot to me coming from you!

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