Wanting to Make Others Happy … “When I was younger I tried …” FTSF #4

This post is written in response to the “Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF #4) hosted by Janine @ Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Kate @ Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with My Morning Quiet Time.  I plan to “finish the sentence” each week for my Saturday post.

Finish the Sentence Friday

This week’s prompt: “When I was younger I tried … “

… to make my mom happy by drawing her sunshines with happy faces.  From a very young age I loved the way it felt to bring joy to others and relieve sadness.  It’s one of the main reasons I choose my profession.

But as I have gained knowledge through education and experience I have come to the hard realization that *I* can’t make people happy.  I don’t have the power to erase pain and trauma.


This has been probably one of the hardest month for me in my professional life.  Although one of the most frustrating parts about my job is watching people repeatedly  make the same bad decisions (especially when those decisions affect their children), the hardest part is when I witness life, out of nowhere, smack someone upside the head for no reason at all.  I saw a lot of this recently and I have to remind myself continually that … Just because I am part of the solution, doesn’t mean it is my problem.

happy sun

If only a happy sunshine could solve everything.

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Considerer

    I’d love it if life’s problems and hurts were solved that easily. What a great thought.

  2. Kate Hall

    Boy, this is so true. I had to learn this too. I’m such a people-pleaser. I spent so much time trying to make people happy or to relieve their pain then I learned that there was nothing I could do, just like you said, I can only walk through the pain with them. I pinned your quote to my Pinterest board – it’s so true. Thanks for linking up again.

  3. Stephanie @ Mommy, for real.

    So glad you joined us this week- thanks for linking up. What a great quote to share with us- I think a lot of women/mothers struggle with this delicate balance and desire to fix our loved ones’ problems. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Dana

    So true, yet so easy to forget. I’m going to share your post with some therapist friends, but I think many women “adopt” the pain of their friends and family. Thanks for your insights!

  5. Betz

    When I was younger I tried to save the forest behind my elementary school by blocking the construction crew on each recess period.

    I’m sorry the paths you’re guiding people along are so rocky right now!!

  6. Janine Huldie

    I too am the type of person that wants to make sure others around me are indeed happy and feel terrible when they aren’t. That said I could very much relate to your post. Thanks for linking up as always and hope to see you next week, too 🙂

  7. Terrye

    Very true! and a great share!

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