The Bicycle Book, by Gail Gibbons – Virtual Book Club for Kids

We missed out on last month’s Virtual Book Club for Kids … just got too busy (… and the kids weren’t too into the activities I could come up with!)  So, we definitely didn’t want to miss THIS month.  BUT, we’ve been really busy with school just ending last Friday and the end of little league spring baseball and a dance recital.  It’s hard to fit it all in … SO I went with a book that fits with an activity that the kids have already been doing! 

Gail Gibbons (this month’s featured author) is the PERFECT fit for incorporating a book to an activity.  She is an extremely prolific writer on many non-fiction topics for kids, so they are super for supplemental learning on tons of different topics.  We picked The Bicycle Book.

The Bicycle Book

My kids have been really interested in becoming better, more confident riders on their bicycles.  Henry (age 7) is finally ready to take off the training wheels and learn how to ride a two-wheeler and Honor (age 4) just got her first “big girl bike” for her birthday in May.  And it was definitely time to help them improve their skills … so we’ve been spending lots of time (especially Honor) riding up and down the sidewalk.

learning to ride her big girl bike

Honor also took part in a Trike-A-Thon to raise money for St. Jude Research Hospital for Kids.  This is a yearly event that the preschool she attends participates in.  So far her the school has raised over nine thousand dollars for the organization!  Honor was very excited to finally be in the Trike-A-Thon this year … just like her brother had been in years before.

Trike-a-Thon June 2013

The Bicycle Book was a great way for my kids to learn about the history of the bicycle, the parts of the bicycle, and different types and ways to use a bicycle.  Picking a book that covered a topic they were both actively engaged in increased their interest in the book.

Learning about Bicycles

Bicycling is such a wonderful activity and skill to master.  It great for developing large motor skills and balance; it’s a great form of exercise; it widens their horizons on how fast and far they can travel on their own; and it gives children a sense of accomplishment and pride to master this developmental milestone. 


Do you have a Gail Gibbons book?  I’d love to have you join the blog hop!  All you have to do is…

  1. Pick a Gail Gibbons book to read with your child!
  2. Do any activity, craft, cooking project, or other book inspired activity that goes along with the book your chose.
  3. Share what you did with us starting Monday, June 17th. We will have a linky up for 3 weeks where you can share any blog posts (if you are a blogger) or you can post what you did at the end of the linky post in the comments or on our Facebook wall.

I can’t wait to see all of your fabulous ideas! Thanks for participating!

For more updates and to see loads of the posts by participating bloggers, head on over and “Like”our Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook page.


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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. kristina

    My kids would love this book too and we’ve similarly been bicycle obsessed. I think we need to come up with some more bike themed learning activities!

    Hope the end of school went well and you are enjoying some time to relax this summer!

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