Creating Tape Town … having fun with ALEX toys

A few weeks ago I received some complimentary products from ALEX toys so that I could review them here on my blog.  WOOT!  The kids and I had a terrific time with them!  The first toy we would like to share with you is …

Tape Town Fun

The My Tape Town kit allows kids to use various craft materials in order to create their very own playscape.  Here’s what was included in the My Tape Town kit …My Tape Town, from ALEX toys

… 2 large sheets of printed paper for the base/grass, 6 rolls of colored tape, 4 paper cups, a sheet of stickers, and several pages of cardstock cut-outs of cars, trees, and buildings.  FUN!!!  I just LOVE how colorful and playful this set is!  It definitely is inviting for child-centered play!

Here’s some snapshots of the creation of our own Tape Town …


Henry builds Tape Townplaying and building together



We used the tape to create roads, ponds, rivers, and embellish the trees and buildings.  We also found that it worked best to tape the trees and buildings down to the base paper because they fell over easily (especially with little unsteady hands moving the base paper around!).  This made the town more stable, but prohibited us from rearranging the town once they were taped in place.

taping down tape town

The kids and I worked on building Tape Town over a weekend coming back to the dining room table where it was set up to continue adding to the creation.  Honor (who’s almost 4) had difficulty working on the project by herself.  She found it frustrating at times because once the tape sticks to the paper products it won’t come off unless it rips the paper.  Because of this I worked closely with her while constructing the town.  Henry (who’s 7) was able to add and build to the town without much difficulty.

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We have kept Tape Town out on the table and my daughter continues to play with it … moving the vehicles around the town to “visit” different friends and family!  I love that this is a product that the kids were able to create with and then continue to use their imagination in using it as a play area.  I will also definitely keep this product in mind with work with my play therapy clients.  My Tape Town would be great for re-creating a neighborhood or city scene to process a life event. 

A very special thanks to ALEX toys for allowing us this chance to create, play, and review!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Judy

    Try taping or gluing the trees (and other objects that tend to fall over) to a sturdy cardboard disc or a metal washer. This will help them stand yet allow for movement.

  2. Laura Hutchison

    Great idea!

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