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Letting Them Paint What They Love: Henry’s Angry Bird Painting

My five-year-old Henry continues to be obsessed with Angry Birds.  Not only does he love to play the game (and all its versions), but (as previously seen) he loves his collection of Angry Bird stuffed animals, creating Angry Bird scenes and

Thanksgiving Day Cards: Watercolor Coffee Filter Turkey

I was looking for a fun and simple way to include the kids in sending out some Thanksgiving cards this year and came across this idea The Chocolate Muffin Tree’s coffee filter turkey cards.  We used cardstock paper folded in half for

Beautiful Fall Art: Gel Glue resist with Watercolor

This project was TONS of fun … and pretty simple for the kids to create TRULY beautiful fall art.  We used small canvas in which I drew a leaf with pencil: I then took gel glue and traced over the pencil

Drawing Spirals with Spin Art

Both my 2 year old and 5 year old got a kick out of this simple, fun, and mesmerizing kid kraft … drawing spirals with spin art.  I got the idea from another crafty mom … Putti Prapancha.  And, being a

Candy Color Sort

For some reason my 2 year old is having a hard time learning her colors.  Being the girly-girl princess she is she has pink and purple down, but the rest … not so much.  I saw this post (sweetie sort) a

Turkey Cookies: Thanksgiving-Time Snack

We were hosting an impromptu family dinner last Sunday, so it gave me an excuse to try out these super cute Turkey Cookies for dessert.  I believe I first saw this idea on Pinterest (link here).  I used the “break-and-bake” sugar cookies,

Kid Kraft: Easy Trees

We had some extra time before bedtime the other night, so I snuck in another fall craft.  I got this idea from MomsTown … apple trees for every age.  But, since it was somewhat past our going to the apple orchard and

a fall snack: Acorns

I saw these all over Facebook, mom blogs, and Pinterest this fall … so I just HAD to make them.  My kindergartner’s class rotates who brings snack, so when he was up I knew what he would be bringing.  Here’s our

The GAMES we play … and WHY (part 2)

Previously I posted a list of great “starter” games for kids  … Classic “Board” Games to Play with Three-Year-Olds … and WHY.  Here’s some more for when the other games are mastered!  I would recommend them for children 4 and older

Simple Limit Setting

A three step sequence of stating the limit, giving a warning, and enforcing the consequence can be used in a child-centered play therapy session … this simple limit setting model is also a GREAT to use CONSISTENTLY and with FOLLOW THROUGH

Play Skills for Parents

When teaching a class on play therapy, I teach and quiz my students on basic skills of being a child-centered play therapist.  I also discuss using these same skills with the parents of my children clients to help decrease problematic behaviors

DIY Simple Barrette Organizer

I remember growing up having a wonderful collection of ribbons and barrettes.  The barrettes were always proudly displayed hanging on a pastel rainbow ribbon on the back of the bathroom door.  And, now that my own daughter is starting her own