Play Therapy Archive

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Principles for Relationships with Children

In preparing for the start of the Psychotherapy with Children course that I’m teaching at the Michigan School of Professional Psychology, I decided to make a visual of Garry Landreth’s Principles for Relationships with Children.   While creating the image in PicMonkey

Relaxation Jars

Yes, this idea is all over the internet  … but I’ve fallen in love with them and just had to share them on my very own post. They are super simple to make.  All you need is: a container (I used

PlayDrMom’s favorite children’s books about Creativity

An important aspect of therapy … be it with adults or children … is helping people think creatively.  This doesn’t mean making them do arts & crafts (although sometimes that helps), it means helping clients not getting hung up in one

Sibling Rivalry: Tips, Books, & Helpful Links

Relationships between brothers and sisters are some of the most important and potentially longest lasting relationships in our lives.  As parents helping to foster these relationships is important, but despite our very best efforts, rivalry between siblings is BOUND to happen.

20 Ways for Play Therapists to Increase the Experience of Effective Moments in Play Therapy

The following is a culmination of the results from my dissertation research, “The Therapist’s Experience of Effective Moments in Play Therapy.”  I believe it is helpful for all play therapists, beginners or veterans, to review often to remember the great influence

How I Get Kids to Leave My Office … a transition activity

One-on-one time with an adult in a room filled with toys and very little restrictions?  What kid would want to leave!! Ending a play therapy session can be a bit tricky at times, but I have found that consistency and ritual can

Make Stretch Putty … having fun with ALEX Toys

Last week I shared the fun the kids and I had Creating Tape Town from a super cool kit that ALEX Toys sent us to review.  This week I have another great kit to share “Make Stretch Putty” … Everything you

Utilizing the Books of David Shannon in Play Therapy and as Parenting Resources

David Shannon is one of my favorite children’s author and illustrator.  I love is simple, child-focused pictures and story contact that is fun, yet usually has a great message for kids.  For this reason his books are also wonderful to use

Creating Tape Town … having fun with ALEX toys

A few weeks ago I received some complimentary products from ALEX toys so that I could review them here on my blog.  WOOT!  The kids and I had a terrific time with them!  The first toy we would like to share

Be True to Yourself … “A Bad Case of Stripes” activity

I was very excited that the Virtual Book Club for Kids picked David Shannon to be the featured author this month.  He is one of my favorite authors and illustrators of children’s books.  And my favorite book of his is ..

Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

Here’s a list of books for kids about divorce.  I use these in play therapy and recommend them to parents when the family is going through a divorce.  If you have some to add, please leave a comment below! The Family

Using Water Beads in Play Therapy

When I entered into the blogging world in the summer of 2011 I was first introduced to the world of water beads.  An amazing substance of gel-like beads that grow or shrink depending how much water they are with … wonderful