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Utilizing the Books of Julia Donaldson as Parenting and Therapeutic Resources

One of the things I have really enjoyed about being part of the Virtual Book Club for Kids is finding authors I haven’t read before and discovering how I can incorporate sharing these books with the kids I work with in

Wanting to Make Others Happy … “When I was younger I tried …” FTSF #4

This post is written in response to the “Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF #4) hosted by Janine @ Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Kate @ Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with My Morning Quiet Time.  I plan to “finish the sentence” each

Utilizing the books of Tomie dePaola as parenting and therapeutic resources

Participating in the Virtual Book Club for Kids has been a great way to study different authors not only with my kids at home … but to also introduce me to more children’s book that I can use at work and

PlayDrMom’s Favorite books to help Kids Build Self-Esteem

Spoon, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal … Is a nice way to talk to children about jealousy and, in turn, being thankful for our own uniqueness and personal gifts.  Check out this great activity from Coffee Cups and Crayons. Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes …

PlayDrMom’s favorite children’s books on SOCIAL SKILLS

There are SO many great children’s books out there … and so many of them can be used to teach children how to treat others with care and concern, to be a better friend, and to help them navigate a variety

PlayDrMom’s favorite children’s books about ANXIETY

Anxiety continues to be one of the top reasons for parents to bring their children into therapy. Our world is continually filled with unknowns and ever-growing pressures that is no wonder why are kids are filled with doubt and uncertainty as

Utilizing the books of Amy Krouse Rosenthal as Parenting & Therapeutic resources

I wasn’t familiar with the Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s books before exploring her work during the Virtual Book Club for Kids this month.  After reading through every title by her that I could get at my public library I recognized that many

Playful Activities to Help Kids Learn about Feelings

I feel that one of my most important tasks as a play therapist (and a mom) is to help children understand, cope with, and express their feelings.  In my 13 years of working therapeutically with children I have come across a

Dot Art in Play Therapy

This is a piece of cardboard that is hung above the couch in my play therapy room.  It started as a plain, white piece of cardboard.  But slowly it is developing into a piece of art.  I am using it as

Using Spin Art in Play Therapy

SPIN ART and PLAY THERAPY are two of my favorite things.  I was so happy when I started using spin art in session and realized what a great technique it could be therapeutically.  Originally I just thought my own kids LOVE

Make Your Own Worry Dolls

My troubles with worry and anxiety started early in life.  I would worry about everything … especially at bedtime.  One of the ways my wonderful mom helped me cope was by getting me a set of “worry dolls” (like these).  They

Books That Can Help Children Grieve

To those that lost loved ones on this day, September 11 … eleven years ago … my heart and thoughts go out to you.  May you continue to find support and love through your lifelong process of grief. Grief and loss