bucket list Archive

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Fabulous Fall Fun

Remember that post I did at the beginning of summer … 40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with your Kids?  Well, it inspired me to create a photo collage for fall.  Here’s some ideas ways to have fabulous fall fun with your

PlayDrMom’s 2012 Summer Bucket List

The kids still have a couple weeks of school left.  Summer solstice isn’t until June 20.  But this weekend, this long holiday weekend … I believe to be the START OF SUMMER! Last summer was the first summer our family had

The Longest Lemonade Stand

Yesterday we participated in breaking a Guinness World Record … the longest lemonade stand ever!  We were there as part of St. James Preschool … where Henry graduated from, where Honor attends, and where my mom is the director of!  It

My Summer Bucket List

Here’s a list of things I want to do this summer … my summer bucket list.  Many of them are things I’d like to do numerous times. Most of them are things I want to do with the whole family, some