The Longest Lemonade Stand

The Longest Lemonade Stand poster

Yesterday we participated in breaking a Guinness World Record … the longest lemonade stand ever!  We were there as part of St. James Preschool … where Henry graduated from, where Honor attends, and where my mom is the director of!  It was an AMAZING event … hundreds of families, schools, and businesses decorated pre-made lemonade stands and joined in on a afternoon of family fun.  The outpouring of community and creativity was awe-inspiring!

 My video of the ENTIRE lemonade stand … it’s long, but isn’t that the point!

The official website link … The Longest Lemonade Stand

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Laura

    Dear World Record Holders,

    WE DID IT!!!

    Thank you all for participating in the Longest Lemonade Stand event. To
    summarize, we sold 350 total stands, and 349 returned to Beverly Park to
    participate! Our stand length of 1,399 feet and 11 inches far exceeded the
    Guinness World Record requirement of 1,200. We will submit our documentation to
    Guinness for a final review, but we wholeheartedly believe we satisfied all the
    requirements to earn the World Record and international fame and celebrity. J

    And we did it together – kids, parents, grandparents, schools, sponsors, all
    working together toward one goal, a world record. This is something our kids
    will always have, the knowledge that they bought into a dream and helped make it
    a reality.

    We were all so impressed by the incredible stand designs. It was clear that
    families invested a lot of time, energy and creativity in their stands. Once
    linked, the visual of the bright, shining stands meandering through the park was
    truly a site to behold!

    As beautiful as the completed stand was, we know that it was simply the sum of
    its parts. And those parts were 349 enthusiastic families who wanted to
    participate and give their children the opportunity to earn a World Record and
    have some fun in the process. We’re so glad that you joined the effort.

    On the financial side, we raised somewhere around $45,000 total. We are now in
    the process of requesting all final invoices and should have a clearer
    understanding of our exact revenue and net profit in the next few weeks. For
    the schools that were named beneficiaries on specific stand purchases, we’re
    planning to distribute funds on or around October 3rd. In the meantime, we’re
    pulling together a short video documentary of the event and will share it with
    this distribution list.

    Thanks again for being part of Longest Lemonade Stand. Our goal was to create a
    memorable, meaningful event for our kids and our community. Thanks to your
    participation, we think we achieved that goal! It wasn’t always easy and it
    wasn’t always pretty, but it sure does feel worthwhile. We couldn’t have done
    it without you.

    Onward and Upward,

    Longest Lemonade Stand

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