Easter Archive

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The ABCs of EASTER!: And The Kids Weekly Co-Op

I’m not yet in my Easter Bonnet – with all the frills upon it- but I do know that Easter is on it’s way!  So here are the ABCs of Easter … fun ideas to help celebrate the return of the

Hip-pity, Hop-pity Easter Books for Kids!

Here’s some great Easter books for kids!  Perfect to read to kids over this month … OR maybe the Easter Bunny might even leave one or two of them in an Easter basket!!! Amazon.com Widgets The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett

Books about Bunnies!

There are a BUNCH of great books about bunnies and rabbits … perfect for reading this spring  … and great for Easter too! Amazon.com Widgets Pat the Bunny, by Dorothy Kunhardt – The classic touch and feel book. The Runaway Bunny,

Easter in a Jar

I’ve been pretty busy this month … so I didn’t get my Easter shopping done until today.  But even so I was able to quickly put together this cute Easter gift.  I got this super cute and simple idea from Dixie

Little Yellow Chicks

I saw this post from Happy Hooligans and we just had to try out our own version.  All you need to make these cute little yellow chicks are a few toilet paper rolls (cut in half), yellow paint (of course you could

PlayDrMom’s Easter Round-Up: an Egg-ceptional Eggs-travagenza!

This eggs-tra special post is a round up of all my eggs-traordinary Easter time fun! An Easter Egg Hunt that gets the kids moving and thinking.  Fun for the WHOLE family! How about fun ways to play and learn with plastic

Making a Easter Egg Hunt Fun for All

My family celebrated Easter Sunday this year at my Aunt Mj’s house.  She always comes up with fun activities for the kids … and this year was no exception.  She created a wonderful Egg Hunt that was fun for all 4 generations

Egg-cellent Learning! (or … what to do with all those plastic Easter Eggs)

Have some extra plastic Easter eggs around the house?  I’m sure lots of us do this time of year.  Wondering what to do with all those plastic Easter Eggs?  Here’s a round-up of how we’ve been using ours … Number Match

The Easter Bunny Delivers!

Wow!  The Easter Bunny did a great job with filling our baskets this year.  The kids left their baskets on the kitchen table with a plate full of carrots on Saturday night … And this is what we found Easter morning

Simple Easter Cards

For those that are celebrating Easter today we wanted to say … Wish you a very Happy Easter! I made these super simple Easter cards with white cardstock, washable tempera paint and fine-point Sharpie markers.  Henry’s thumbprint made the brown bunny

Peep Bunny Banner

If you’ve been following along you might know that we are enjoying our first year in our new home.  I waited a really long time to make the move … and now we are here one way I am celebrating is

What to do with your Easter Bunny Photos

I’m a total sucker for cheesy, classic traditions to do with kids.  Ever since my first child was old enough (he was only a couple weeks old for his first Easter), we’ve been going to the mall to sit with the