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Classic “Board” Games to Play with Three-Year Olds … and WHY

Three is the PERFECT age to start game play. (note: by age, I mean developmental age … which is sometimes not the chronological age of the child due to delays of all sorts). At 3, language is usually pretty well developed;

A Day at the Beach

So, how does one mom lug 2 young kids … and all the stuff they need/want … for a day at the beach? Well, this is how I do it … I found that my double stroller (Baby Trend, Sit-N-Stand Plus)

My Summer Bucket List

Here’s a list of things I want to do this summer … my summer bucket list.  Many of them are things I’d like to do numerous times. Most of them are things I want to do with the whole family, some

Why Play?

Well … there’s many reasons.  And I hope this blog helps to share why it’s so important. For my first post, I want to share a bit about my foundation of belief in the power of play.  To do so, I