snow Archive
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Frosty Friends: Books about Snowmen
on: by Laura Hutchison
Frigid temperature and lots of fluffy flurries make for some great snowmen weather … but when the temps are too low and the snow isn’t right for packing the next best thing is reading books about snowmen! Here are some of
SnOw MUCH FUN!!! … round up of PlayDrMom’s snow posts
on: by Laura Hutchison
I haven’t lived anywhere else than Michigan, so SNOW has always been a part of my life (at least for 1/4 of the year!). Unlike many others, I really enjoy snow (except driving in a lot of it). Here’s a round
DIY Snowman Snow Measurer
on: by Laura Hutchison
I saw this fabulous idea from Pink and Green Mama on how to turn a paint stick into a super cute Snowman Snow Measurer. We finally had a chance to give it a try. I took a couple of extra paint
Exploring Snowflakes
on: by Laura Hutchison
I found some great books the other day while at the library that really inspired us to learn a lot more about snowflakes. These are the books … Widgets Snowflake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin … tells the story of
Bring it Inside! – exploring snow indoors
on: by Laura Hutchison
Snow starting falling where we live right on the Winter Solstice (December 21). It melted but made a beautiful return on Christmas Eve … and we’ve had snow on the ground ever since. My kids were SO excited to go outside
Fakin’ It (snow that is)
on: by Laura Hutchison
Today, January 31st, it is 50 degrees in MICHIGAN. It’s been freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw all month. So, what’s a native Michigan mom to do when there isn’t very much snow in mid-January? MAKE IT! I got this fabulous idea from Make Do &