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Frosty Friends: Books about Snowmen

Frigid temperature and lots of fluffy flurries make for some great snowmen weather … but when the temps are too low and the snow isn’t right for packing the next best thing is reading books about snowmen!  Here are some of

SnOw MUCH FUN!!! … round up of PlayDrMom’s snow posts

I haven’t lived anywhere else than Michigan, so SNOW has always been a part of my life (at least for 1/4 of the year!).  Unlike many others, I really enjoy snow (except driving in a lot of it).  Here’s a round

DIY Snowman Snow Measurer

I saw this fabulous idea from Pink and Green Mama on how to turn a paint stick into a super cute Snowman Snow Measurer.  We finally had a chance to give it a try. I took a couple of extra paint

Exploring Snowflakes

I found some great books the other day while at the library that really inspired us to learn a lot more about snowflakes.  These are the books … Widgets Snowflake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin … tells the story of

Bring it Inside! – exploring snow indoors

Snow starting falling where we live right on the Winter Solstice (December 21).  It melted but made a beautiful return on Christmas Eve … and we’ve had snow on the ground ever since.  My kids were SO excited to go outside

Fakin’ It (snow that is)

Today, January 31st, it is 50 degrees in MICHIGAN.  It’s been freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw all month.  So, what’s a native Michigan mom to do when there isn’t very much snow in mid-January?  MAKE IT! I got this fabulous idea from Make Do &