DIY Snowman Snow Measurer

I saw this fabulous idea from Pink and Green Mama on how to turn a paint stick into a super cute Snowman Snow Measurer.  We finally had a chance to give it a try.

I took a couple of extra paint stir sticks and painted them with a couple of coats of white acrylic paint.  Once they were dry I used a ruler to make the half inch and inch marks up the stick.  One one stick (my 3 year old daughter’s) I wrote the numbers.  I had my son (almost 7) write the numbers on his own stick.

measurement marks

We then embellished the sticks with foam sheets (for the hats and mouths) and google eyes.

added the faces

Henry stayed true to his passion for Mario Bros … and made a Mario SnowBrother.

snowman snow measurers

The kids had a fun time trying them out and taking measurements of the depth of the snow around the yard.  We made observations and guesses about why the snow was at different depths in different parts of the yard.

                             using the snow measurer            Honor's Snowman Snow Measurer

It was a really great activity to do with the kids.  We made a art project, talked about measurement, made scientific observations, and MOST importantly had FUN together!

make a snow measurer

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Hannah @ Making Boys Men

    So many great snow activities, now I really wish our snow hadn’t gone so soon. Thanks for sharing at the Outdoor Play Party

  2. Anna@The Measured Mom

    Super cute! We are certainly getting enough snow this year to make use of them. Thanks for sharing this at the After School linky — this will be part of my features on Monday.

  3. Laura Hutchison

    Thanks, Anna!

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