Custom Nap Mats

A high school friend of my husband created and owns a great company that makes high-quality custom nap mats for kids.  Tons of thought was put into creating these … wonderful QUILT-QUALITY FABRIC (with great prints for kids!) for the MACHINE WASHABLE covers,

velcro closures, attached FLEECE BLANKET, a small PILLOW (and built-in enclosure for it), and a great vinyl MAT.

They are PERFECT for daycare and preschool … but ALSO WONDERFUL for nights at Grandma’s, sleepovers, vacations, or just napping at home.  (in fact, just last night Honor, our 2 year old, fell asleep in the family room in her nap mat!)

Here’s a video of our kids receiving, opening, and cuddling in their Nap Mats.  And, here’s one with just Henry commentating.

Check them out at … or email … or call 1-888-627-6287.

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Valerie @ Glittering Muffins

    Those look great! FYI both videos are Henry talking about it 😉

  2. Laura

    Thanks for the heads up, Val! It’s all fixed now!

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