Our Christmas Elf’s Adventures: Week 2, 2011

Well, Brief Houser (our Christmas Elf) has been very busy this week.  If you haven’t checked out the first week of his return this year, check out last week’s post … Our Elf, Week One, 2011.  This week he’s been a bit more … mischievous.

Day 8:  Live-Action Angry Bird Game

Santa had Brief Houser deliver a letter to my 5 year-old son …

Apparently Brief didn’t read the whole letter … or simply didn’t care, because this is how we found him …

… in the guest bedroom playing a live version of Angry Birds … with THREE NEW PIGS!

Day 9:  Mackin’ On Sleeping Beauty

My two-year old daughter has been somewhat obsessed with Sleeping Beauty, which is what I think gave him this idea …

My daughter, however, was NOT impressed … and took back her precious Aurora as soon as she got the chance.  So, we had to remind her of the rule and remind Brief that she is still pretty young and just getting the hang of his visits!

Day 10:  Trimming TPing the Little Tree

This morning we found Brief at the end of a trail of toilet paper that was wrapped around my son’s Christmas tree.  Sneaky elf!

Day 11:  Up High

He spent the day high up on the fridge, taking note of whether we were being naughty or nice!

Day 12:  Playing Connect 4

Day 13:  Brief in Briefs

This was probably the sneakiest he’s been so far … and Henry said that he doesn’t think Brief is going to get any presents because of his behavior.  He must have grabbed ALL of Henry’s underwear, trailed it throughout the house, TAPED SOME TO THE WINDOW, and put a pair on  …

Day 14:  A Message on the Mirror

Stay tuned for more of Brief Houser’s antics!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Susan Case

    This is so cute. Love it. You can link my post on “Why Craft?” I don’t really understand how to follow you but will try and figure it out. Thank you!

  2. Laura

    Thanks! You can follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or an RSS feed. Hope that helps!

  3. Adaina

    LOVE this!!!!!!!!

  4. Laura

    Susan … finally, finally, finally I have it set up that so that followers can subscribe by email!

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