Celebrating Mother’s Day 2012

I’m a spoiled Momma!  My Mother’s Day was more like a Mother’s Long Weekend!!!

Thursday – Honor came home with a present wrapped (in paper she had stamped herself!).  I opened it up to reveal …

A Beautiful Butterfly!

Friday – I went to a Mother’s Day Celebration that Henry’s kindergarten was putting on.  It was LOVELY.  A beautiful table was set for me …

It included a drawing placemat,  beautiful fresh flowers, a corsage made from a tracing of Henry’s hand, a “recipe book” that include each child’s favorite thing their mom makes (mine was cinnamon muffins … I’m glad he didn’t mention the box part!), a multi-colored mushroom made out of Model Magic, a handmade book with the text & pictures from the song, “May There Always Be Sunshine”, and a super cute hand-painted Sunflower wall hanging.  Henry even took my order and served me lemonade and strawberry shortcake!  His teacher, Mrs. Walch, read us a great book and then the kids sang us some beautiful, love-filled songs.  It was pretty hard to hold back the tears!

And to top my fabulous Friday off, my mom took the kids for the night so my husband and I could enjoy a date night!  WooHoo!

Saturday – A fun-filled day of playing with the kids and my mom!

Sunday – My husband and the kids gave me 2 small boxes at breakfast.  Each held one new Pandora charm!  A hedgehog and a gold heart in a circle!  (Henry picked out the hedgiehog … for more on that check out the video Henry made a couple years ago!)

The morning continued to be relaxing with some time to myself and then we headed out to lunch to meet up with all my family.  It was great to see everyone, celebrate my mom and grandmothers, as well as my paternal aunt and cousin (who is also my daughter’s godmother!).

I think my Grandma especially loved the handprint art that all the current great-grandkids made her!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day too!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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