What’s in the BabbaBox?

Have you heard about BabbaCo?  Have you received a BabbaBox yet?  Well, this month we got our FIRST BabbaBox!  And I can’t wait to tell you all about it!  I’m also excited to say that BabbaCo and PlayDrMom have formed a partnership so that I can bring you details of What’s in the Box?

First off, if you don’t know already, you probably want to know What IS a BabbaBox?  “BabbaBox is a monthly subscription box that is delivered to your home with ALL the physical materials plus know-how content to really engage with your kids.”  Each is a theme-based box with activities, knowledge, and experiences designed especially for how 3 to 6 year old children love to learn!  They are perfect for special family play and learning time.  I also think they’d be perfect for gifts and great for weekends with grandparents.  And any babysitter that brought one of these along would be a sure hit!

So, wanna know what was in OUR BabbaBox?  The theme for our box was GRATITUDE.  It included …

  • the book, Giving Thanks, by Jonathan London
  • a code to download the Cookie Doddle app for iPhone or iPad for FREE
  • materials to make a thank-you gift trivet
  • materials to make a thank-you gift platter
  • various types of cards to make thank you notes
  • tea and an infuser ball
  • a disposable camera and materials to make a Gratitude Journal

The first thing we did after we opened the box was send Danielle from BabbaCo a virtual plate of cookies made with the Cookie Doodle app to thank her for sending us the BabbaBox!

Then, Honor gave making a sticker resist message on a trivet a try.  Although Honor has done many sticker resist paintings, she was especially vigorous in painting this one and the stickers did not stay stuck for the final product to work out (even though the directions clearly stated paint gently and not use too much paint … funny how 3 year olds sometimes just don’t follow directions!).  But, she did have a great time with the process!


Next we worked on making the thank you serving tray.  I flipped the plastic tray that was included in the BabbaBox over (just like the instructions said) and then painted one hand of each of my kids to make handprints on the backside of the tray.  Neither of the kids wanted to paint the word by tracing in paint over the sample text given … so I gave it a try!


But we couldn’t deliver the tray empty!  So we made some cupcakes to go on it! (the empty BabbaBox was perfect for transporting the finished tray and cupcakes to Nana’s house!)


We also made some thank you notes to send off to some friends.  There were so many different kinds sent in the box that we decided to save some for later.


I think the biggest hit of this BabbaBox was creating a Gratitude Journal.  Both kids were very excited to use the disposable 35mm camera.  They are both very familiar taking  photos with digital cameras … but one that you had to WAIT to see the photos was super exciting!  (funny how that works, huh?)


And here’s how the journal turned out … one side of the fold-out journal is Honor’s and the other side is Henry’s!

I definitely will be using the idea of a Gratitude Journal with my clients.  It will be a great activity for kids that are having a hard time seeing the good things in their lives, as well as for children that have a tendency to be disrespectful and defiant.  I will use it as an avenue to open up their perspective and talk about what there is in their life to be thankful for.  YAY … another great tool to add to my play therapy tool box!

If you’d like to give one a try for special kids in your life I’m happy to share these special promotional deals with you!  Here’s a code to receive 20% off the purchase of your first BabbaBox … PD20OFF.  BabbaCo is also offering an ADDITIONAL promotion to receive a 3 month membership at 33% off (only $20/box)!  The coupon code at checkout for this is PD33BTS.  Both codes CAN be used at the same time!

I’d like to give a BIG Thank You to BabbaCo

for these tremendous offers and your super fun products!  We are truly GRATEFUL!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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