A Mario Power Lemonade Stand

One afternoon last week me and the kids found ourselves with a couple of free hours, so I asked them if they wanted to have a lemonade stand.  They both got excited and Henry (my 6 year old) stated, “We should have a Mario Power lemonade stand.”  (as in Mario from Super Mario brothers) And, he quickly got to work on the signs …


Henry then informed me that we would need to have THREE colors of lemonade … red for “fire flower” and “mushroom”, yellow for “invincibility star”, and blue for “ice flower” and “mini mushroom”.  He said that each cup of Power Lemonade would be 10 cents, with refills at 1 cent each.  Wanting to follow through with this very cool and original idea … but still make it simple, I decided that we could just custom make each cup by using food coloring.  And, the idea was a hit!

All the kids that came to the stand (other than mine) had never seen food coloring at work and LOVED to watch the colors swirl together and change the color of the lemonade.  It also was a great opportunity to talk about and experiment with color blending.

The lemonade stand was a wonderful way to spend a couple hours on a summer day.  Henry got to utilize his creativity and entrepreneurship.  He did a wonderful job managing the money (creating change, totaling orders, etc), talking with customers, and pouring the lemonade.  It was also a great way to bond with our neighbors and service workers (postal worker and UPS driver).  I loved watching my kids work and have fun together!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Maude

    Great way to make use of spare time with teachable moments!

  2. Rebecca from Here come the girls

    This looks so much fun. I love how you have combined it with mario t make it even more fun.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase

  3. Sheri

    I so love how creative your LO is! Hope my little sunshine will develop such a vivid imagination 🙂

  4. Carrie

    OH, how fun!! What a great way to spend the day and such teachable moments and bonding time. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  5. Carrie

    Just to let you know, I’ll be featuring you this week! Thanks again for sharing!

  6. Liz Hallberg

    My son love, love, loves Mario Bros. and would have been a huge fan of this stand! He would have ordered what he calls; “fire power”, “cold powers”, and “star powers”!! 🙂 Awesome how they made this lemonade stand their own, very creative! Thanks for sharing on Crafty Moms Share, that’s how I found you!

  7. Rebecca

    Hey that is a fantastic idea! You can make it even better with some healthy natural food coloring from Chocolate Craft, Maggie’s Naturals, Seelect, some India Tree Nature’s Colors, and a few of the ChefMaster natural food colorings. They are plant based so they contain extra antioxidants, without all of the petroleum from traditional food coloring. Great post. 🙂

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