21 Days of Contagious Gratitude

Inspired by Family Magazine

I just LOVE this idea that Mari from Inspired by Family … 

… over 21 bloggers who have joined forces because we believe that gratitude can be contagious and we desire to spend this month being grateful with our families.  Each day a different blogger will walk along side of you in this challenge and share their experience. Stop by and visit their website on the date listed below to read their Contagious Gratitude story or activity.

I hope you join me in this 21 Days of being thankful.

It’s so easy to complain, grumble or to not be content with our situation, our body, our home, our kids, our food, our job, our spouse, our parents, our school, our friends and life as we know it. In effort, to be less of that and be filled with joy, I want to challenge myself, my family and you to be more aware of the blessings we are surrounded with each day.

My hope is that you will find beauty and blessings in the mundane, in the beautiful, in the ugly as you: change diapers, wash dishes, sit in holiday traffic, stir the pot of soup, look into your spouses eyes, hold your child in your arms…  We are constantly surrounded by small miracles let’s open our eyes and embrace them.

I invite you click on the image above to get the the home page for the 21 Days of Gratitude and visit the amazing bloggers that contributed to this blogging event.

Although I didn’t write a post for the event, I have posted everyday on Facebook something I am thankful for.  Here is the collective list:

Today I am thankful for ….

  1. My office. I love the comfortable and relaxed environment I am fortunate to work in. I enjoy it being a space of my own created to help others.
  2. My beautiful house. Although we still have so much work to do on it … I’m so thankful we have been able to call it home for just over a year now.
  3. The parents of my clients. (Check out my thank you letter I wrote as a guest post for The Pleasantest Thing series Moms Celebrating Moms.)
  4. Modern medicine. It has saved my life in more than one way. I’m thankful for antibiotics and antidepressants.
  5. My car, Dora (the Explorer), for getting me and the kids around safely and comfortably.
  6. My right to vote. I am thankful for my country and my freedom.
  7.  My career that allows me the flexibility to spend lots of time with my kids.
  8. Enough money to have a fridge and pantry filled with food and closets filled with clothes.
  9. The schools that my children attend. Both schools are child-centered and fabulous places for them to develop, not only education-wise, but as whole people.
  10. Saturdays (or any day) I can spend in my pjs.
  11. Having my own dedicated tech-support. There are SO many reasons why I am thankful for my husband, but this day I was especially thankful for his expertise in fixing computer related issues … well, and the yard work … his dedication to picking up 20 bags of leaves this weekend alone also deserves some thanks and praise!
  12. My parents. For being such wonderful examples of partners, parents, and persons. They are my foundation; and I am so blessed.
  13. My clients, supervisees, and students. Thanks for your trust and allowing me to be part of your journey.
  14. The earth, moon, sun, and stars for their gifts and beauty.
  15. My MANY blogging buddies around the world. It’s so wonderful to have such an amazing support network for not only blogging, but parenting.
  16. My extended family. I’m blessed to have a huge and wonderful safety net of love surrounding me on from relatives by blood and marriage.
  17. My amazing friends … some far, some near. Some I have know for all my life … others are brand new. I’m so lucky to have you!
  18. My amazing baby sister. It has been wonderful to see her grow into such an outstanding woman! So thankful to have her by my side!
  19. My husband. I’m thankful for his gentle persistence in starting our relationship. I’m thankful for the way he loves me … it is unbeatable!
  20. My children.  They bring such happiness, strength, and love not only to me, but to the world.  I will forever be thankful to be their momma.
  21. My health.  Although it isn’t wonderful and I need to take care of myself more, I am very thankful for my health.  I am thankful for everyday that I can enjoy each of the 20 reasons listed above.  Without my health that wouldn’t be possible.

 What are YOU thankful for?

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Susan Case

    Wonderful example of being grateful. We are very blessed. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.

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