Create a Family Tree
This month Henry, my 6 year old son who is in 1st grade, had a homework assignment to create a family tree. I was all excited to create one with him like I do with my clients … he, however, had a much better idea. He wanted to make a 3D tree using paper rolls. So, of course, I helped him make his idea a reality.
We used a long wrapping paper tube for the trunk of the tree and paper towel tubes for the branches. I used clear packaging tape to adhere the “branches” onto the “trunk”.
For the leaves I cut an oak leaf shape out of coffee filters and the kids painted the leaves with watercolors. (for more on making coffee filter leaves see this post).
Henry chose some of his favorite photos of family members and we printed them out from the computer and cut them to size. We then adhered the leaves and photos using regular tape.
It was a wonderful project that helped Henry think about family members and how we are related … as well as having him use his amazing creativity to come up with how he wanted to construct the tree!
Here’s some more great ways to make Family Trees …
- Family Apple Trees from Teach Preschool
- Family Tree Sticky Wall from Toddler Approved on Life Your Way
- A Paper Craft Family Tree from Stumbles & Stitches