Elf Adventures, 2012 Week One

We decorated the house and started our Christmas shopping … but our elf, Brief Houser, hadn’t yet arrived.  (for all his adventures from last year check out this post).  But finally on December 1st he returned for another season of fun!!!

Day One: Reminder to Start the Advent Calendar

Not that I think the kids NEEDED a reminder.  Check out this post to find out more about our Advent Calendar!

Day Two: Arrived in a Box Full of 25 Wrapped Christmas Books

We hadn’t found Brief all day, but then we noticed a box on the front porch from the North Pole …

The kids were … ummm, pretty excited …


This is what was inside …

25 wrapped books … one to open each day until Christmas … and our Elf!  (I’ll make sure to keep you posted on all the great books Santa sent!)

Day 3: Mischievous Art

We were surprised to find that Brief got creative (and silly) with some “touching up”of a photo of the kids!

Day 4: A class for “Bad Guys”

Tuesday morning we found that Brief had rounded up some friends that are better know for their less desirable behaviors to teach them some pointers on “being good.”  We’re thinking that Brief doesn’t want to see them on Santa’s “naughty list”.

Day 5: Making Snow Angels

Brief must have found our container of Insta-Snow … and poured it on the dining room table to make snow angels!

Day 6: Under the Weather

Perhaps playing all day in the snow isn’t a good idea … even for someone from the North Pole.  Brief didn’t seem to be feeling well.  Henry even said that he thought his cheeks were redder.

Day 7: On the Shelf … reading

We had a hard time finding him this day.  But there is was … amongst the books reading, Chicken Soup with Rice, by Maurice Sendak.  Chicken soup is always great when you don’t feel good!

And this year I’m also excited to share with you what our friends’ elf, Twin’kle has been up to as well.  Twin’kle is aptly named because he is an elf for an awesome pair of six year old TWINS.  Here’s some things Twin’kle has been up to this week …Twin'kle the elf

  • helped a cat get down from the tree
  • had an Epic Adventure on a “ton ton” with his buddies and took on the Dark Side.
  • took a bubble bath
  • baked some cookies
  • and took on some dust bunnies!

I hope you’ll stop by next Saturday to see what Brief Houser and Twin’kle do this upcoming week!  And if YOU have an elf I’d LOVE to see or hear about what they’ve been up to!  Please leave me a comment here or a comment or photo on my Facebook page!

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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