DIY Gingerbread Baby … for “keeps” not “eats”!!!

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is feature the AMAZING books of Jan Brett.  She has an amazing collection of books that highlight beautiful illustrations of all kinds of animals.

We love SO many of them, so it was really hard to pick one to focus on for the post!  And Santa must have known that the Book Club was studying Jan Brett this month because he sent 2 of her books to us in a package of 25 wrapped Christmas books.  But with Christmas just around the corner we decided on “Gingerbread Baby”.

I had really wanted to try out an idea I had seen from Teach Preschool.  So we tried out a variation …

… with items we had on hand cardboard, cookie cutters, a pencil (to trace), glitter glue, markers, google eyes, and buttons.

The kids really enjoyed this project …

In fact, we didn’t stop just at making Gingerbread Babies … but we also made Gingerbread Houses (a very important part of the book), Gingerbread cars (sorry not pictured), and Henry made a Gingerbread Grandpa (notice the cane)!  It was one they wanted to continue and do even more of the next day!  Here’s how they turned out …

I had planned on putting a loop of ribbon on the back of each one … but the kids have been having a great time playing with them as is – so maybe later!

What’s YOUR favorite Jan Brett book?  I’d love to have you join the blog hop!  All you have to do is…

  1. Pick a Jan Brett book to read with your child!
  2. Do any activity, craft, cooking project, or other book inspired activity that goes along with the book your chose.
  3. Share what you did with us starting Monday, December 17! We will have a linky up for 3 weeks where you can share any blog posts (if you are a blogger) or you can post what you did at the end of the linky post in the comments or on our Facebook wall.

I can’t wait to see all of your fabulous ideas! Thanks for participating!

For more updates and to see loads of the posts by participating bloggers, head on over and “Like” our Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook page.

You can also check out lots of fun ideas on some if the other participating blogs!

Toddler Approved – Rainy Day Mum – Adventures in Reading with Kids – 3 Dinosaurs – Royal Baloo – The Educators’ Spin On It – Inspiration Laboratories – Pleasantest Thing – Edventures with Kids – Two Big Two Little– Playing With Words 365 – Kitchen Counter Chronicles – Outlaw Mom –Mommy and Me Book Club – Crafty Moms Share – No Twiddle Twaddle –The Good Long Road – Ready. Set. Read 2 Me – Reading Confetti – Mama Smiles – Juggling with Kids– Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas – Creekside Learning –Creative Family Fun – The Usual Mayhem – Teach Preschool – PlayDrMom –CraftoArt – Here Come the Girls – Being a Conscious Parent – Smiling like Sunshine – Crayon Freckles – Train Up a Child – Smile Play Learn

Please only share activities inspired by Jan Brett.  All other links will be deleted.

Wanna get a head start on January?  Our featured author next month is David McPhail!


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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. JDaniel4's Mom

    It sounds like you had a great time making these. I love that you made houses too.

  2. Jodie @ Growing Book by Book

    My son has made all of our ornaments for the tree this year. We just finished Gingerbread Baby so we’ll be doing this project this afternoon. Thanks for the idea!

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