What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen? – a Fun Menu activity to go along with Nick Sharratt’s book

PlayDrMom brews up a fun activity to go along with Nick Sharratt's book, "What's in the Witch's Kitchen?"

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Nick Sharratt!  Once again I collected all the books I could by him at our library … and a couple that we had around the house.  Here are some of that we found:


But there was one book that my daughter (age 4) wanted to read again and again … What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen?  It’s a silly, clever book with flaps on each page that lift in 2 directions.  If you open it one way you get a text and a illustration of something that would normally be found in a kitchen (like “Biscuits and Cakes”), BUT if you open it the other direction you find something silly and gross (like “Spiders and Snakes”).  Reading the story together produced lots of giggles … and also a discussion on letter sounds and rhyming (because all of the corresponding flaps rhyme).

With my daughters love of the book I had a little brainstorm with the hopes that I could get her to try some new foods.  (she’s a SUPER picky eater).  I created the “Witch’s Kitchen Menu”.  So, let’s see …

witch's menu

Yummy, right?  Let’s flip the menu over to see what we’re REALLY serving …

the real menu

With a little creativity (and a strong stomach!), you can turn just about anything into a a witch’s menu!  If you have some more suggestions, add them to the comments below!  AND if you have a post on an activity or craft that you’ve done with a book by Nick Sharrat we’d LOVE for your to add it to this month’s blog hop …

1. Pick your favorite book by Nick Sharrat (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.

2. Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.

3. Come back and share it with us as part of a big blog hop on Monday, October 14th. The linky will be live for 3 weeks, so if you aren’t ready to post on the exact date… just join in when you can! If you don’t blog, you can share what you did on our Facebook wall, email us, or just comment on the post. All Blog Participants will have a chance to be featured on our Pinterest Board & Facebook Page!
Here are the Virtual Book Club for Kids Participating Bloggers
{Click HERE} to join the Virtual Book Club for Kids Newsletter.  Next month’s featured author is Karma Wilson! 

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.
  1. Jill

    How fun and what a super cool Mom you are! This would be perfect for Halloween day and I know my kiddos would get a kick out this menu 🙂

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