Kid Krafts! Archive

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Heart Attack!

As I have mentioned in previous posts, we (my family) are participating in the 100 Acts of Kindness project put together by Toddler Approved.  The project is challenging everyone to perform 100 Acts of Kindness between January 16th and February 14th

Heart Sticker Resist Painting

 Inspired by (run by Jamie of Hands On: As We Grow) and our own previous tape/sticker resist paintings, Honor & I created this beautiful art.  A photo of this painting is included in the ebook collaboration that I highlighted yesterday. For this

Five Ways to Feed the Birds … or squirrels

Since I started my Pinterest addiction last fall, I have been “pin”spired by all the great ways to create DIY birdfeeders.  Here’s a collection of the ones we have tried this month: Cheerios on Pipe Cleaners Both kids really enjoyed making

Simple Snowman

  Isn’t he cute? We haven’t had a lot of snow around here until the last day or so, but earlier in the month my son, Henry (age 5), and I made this one.  I just took a tin can …

Snowman Glyph

My son, Henry’s kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Walch, comes up with AMAZING projects/assignments/activities for both at school and for “homework”.  Each month she assigns a family project; and this month the assignment was to make a Snowman Glyph.  I had never even

Repost: Why Craft?

Ever sit there in the middle of a project, cleaning up an especially messy project, or even keeping up your own crafting/playing with kids blog and think, “WHY?  Why am I doing this?  Doesn’t it matter?  Is it important?”  Well, if

Please excuse our mess …

I saw this on Pinterest (actual link from on jennlajeunesse on Etsy) and liked it … because of the reminder of what is important at our house. With moving into a new house this past October, it has been a constant whirlwind

Craft Closet Essentials

We moved into our new house in October (2011) and along with MANY things to be excited about in our new home was a great space for a craft closet.  But with all the craziness that comes along with moving, having

Collection of Christmas Fun from the PlayDr Mom’s Kids

Here’s a Collection of Christmas Fun we’ve had.  Some the kids did at school with their amazing teachers; others we did at home.  Hover over the photo to learn more about each project!

Spin Art Christmas Trees

 Got the idea from The Chocolate Muffin Tree: Spin Art Christmas Trees.  LOVE THIS BLOG!  We used our spin art machine, not a salad spinner, so ours our pretty tiny.  I used tape to secure the half circles into cones (because

Homemade Playdough Snow (and snowman accessories!)

This year Honor and Henry (with lots of help from me!) made Homemade Playdough Snow to give to their friends for Christmas. I followed this basic Playdough Recipe, but added in iridescent glitter at the end in some of the batches. Honor

Khristmas Kid Kraft Krazy

Our family moved in October to a new home and we still have many painting projects to finish.  Our close friends were displaced from their home last May due to burst pipes and are just now able to begin painting their