Seasons/Holidays Archive

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14 Lovely Books about Valentine’s Day

  Valentine’s Day is soon upon us … so we’ve been enjoying some lovely books about Valentine’s Day!  With the weather here in Michigan being as chilly as it has been this year, it’s been wonderful to snuggle up and read

Make a Valentine Mailbox with Duct Tape (includes links to MANY more Valentine Mailboxes too!)

Last year my son Henry (who’s currently about to turn 8) made this simple Angry Bird Valentine Mailbox with Duct Tape to take to school to collect his Valentines. He used a shoebox that had the lid connected on one side

Our Elf’s Adventures of 2013

The past two months I’ve participated in Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-A-Day challenge on Instagram.  It’s been a load of fun and I definitely plan to continue in the New Year.  But this month with a new puppy and trying to keep

MORE Christmas Books

While my 4 year-old daughter, was playing at the library early in December, I pursued the shelves for Christmas books.  Although we have QUITE the collection at home, I’m always amazed at how many MORE Christmas books I find. Here are

Easy Kid-Made Scribble Ornaments

I had some clear plastic Christmas bulbs that I purchased from Oriental Trading Company a couple years that we never found the exact right thing to do with them … until now.  I handed them over to my four-year old with

Winter Holiday Class Party

Last year I was one of 3 room moms for my son’s 1st grade class room, here’s the wonderfully wintery class party we put together! There were 8 stations for the kids to go through.  There were 24 in the class,

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Bundle up your kiddos, grab some thermoses filled with hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music, and … go for a drive to look at some electric holiday decorations! PlayDrMom’s Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt a nativity scene lit by floodlights a yard

PlayDrMom’s December Bucket List

Remember you don’t HAVE TO do all (or any) of these.  But we have found them to be great things to do together during the holiday season.  The most important thing is to have fun as a family and ENJOY each other!

4 Fun (FREE!) Thanksgiving Apps

We had SO much fun playing with all the Halloween apps that I found for my iPhone, that I just had see if I could find some for Thanksgiving.  Here’s 4 Fun (FREE!) Thanksgiving Apps that I found, tested out with

Gathering Some Books for Thanksgiving

My kids and I love reading seasonal books as our bedtime stories.  It’s a great way to get some snuggles, a passion for reading, and some learning in every day.  Here are some books for Thanksgiving we’ve found and love:

Turkey Treats & Thanksgiving Fun

I wanted to share with you some cute ideas I’ve found and tried out of fun snacks and activities for Thanksgiving time in past years. How about we start off with some fun Turkey appetizers?  Like a Turkey Cheeseball … I

Pour Paint Pumpkins

These are so easy and SO much fun to make.  All you need is a pumpkin and lots of paint.  And all you have to do is pour the paint on the pumpkin … and let it drip. Here are some