snacks Archive

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Heart Attack!

As I have mentioned in previous posts, we (my family) are participating in the 100 Acts of Kindness project put together by Toddler Approved.  The project is challenging everyone to perform 100 Acts of Kindness between January 16th and February 14th

Snowman Sundae

Here’s a fun and simple treat!  A Snowman sundae … 3 small scoops of vanilla ice cream mini chocolate chips for eyes, mouth, & buttons one piece of candy corn for the nose 2 toothpicks for the arms ENJOY!

Baking with My Kids

I’m not really a foodie, definitely not a chef, and only ok at easy baking … but I do know the value of baking with my kids.  I remember helping my mom in the kitchen; the fun of creating something together.

A Simple Snack … or how to get kids to eat yogurt

My kids have always loved yogurt.  Probably because it was one of the first “solid” foods they were introduced to.  But we make eating yogurt even more fun sometimes by adding sprinkles.  Because sprinkles make everything taste better! Have you tried

Collection of Christmas Fun from the PlayDr Mom’s Kids

Here’s a Collection of Christmas Fun we’ve had.  Some the kids did at school with their amazing teachers; others we did at home.  Hover over the photo to learn more about each project!

Turkey Cookies: Thanksgiving-Time Snack

We were hosting an impromptu family dinner last Sunday, so it gave me an excuse to try out these super cute Turkey Cookies for dessert.  I believe I first saw this idea on Pinterest (link here).  I used the “break-and-bake” sugar cookies,

a fall snack: Acorns

I saw these all over Facebook, mom blogs, and Pinterest this fall … so I just HAD to make them.  My kindergartner’s class rotates who brings snack, so when he was up I knew what he would be bringing.  Here’s our

Tried & True: Ants on a Log

It’s simple and yummy … a child snack classic.  Ants on a Log.  This what Henry and I prepared for his lunch before his first day of (afternoon) kindergarten. (Honor wanted nothing to do with it … still being very much