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Eat a Rainbow: Virtual Book Club for Kids featuring Denise Fleming

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring author/illustrator, Denise Fleming.  Her books were new to the kids and I … and we had a ton of fun exploring them. Widgets One book, however, really fit into another

Creeper Crazy Minecraft Party!

My son, Henry, was dead set on having a Minecraft Party this year for his 8th birthday.  With all the hype around Minecraft lately, it was pretty easy to gather lots of great ideas for our very own Creeper Crazy Minecraft

Winter Holiday Class Party

Last year I was one of 3 room moms for my son’s 1st grade class room, here’s the wonderfully wintery class party we put together! There were 8 stations for the kids to go through.  There were 24 in the class,

Playing with Numbers: Having Fun with Math

When my son was just 5 he came up with this one on his own …. Cracker Math!  Using Ritz crackers and sliced turkey rolls, he created his own math equation.  The fun can really ADD up!  There are lots of playful

Size Relativity & Bear Hugs: Virtual Book Club for Kids featuring Jez Alborough

The featured author for this month’s Virtual Book Club for Kids is Jez Alborough.  A brand new author to us.  We really enjoyed all the books we checked out of the library by him.  I loved the fact that many of

Alphabet Party for Preschoolers

Our family has the definite advantage of being able to send our kids to the amazing preschool in which my awesome mom is the director.  She has made it a tradition that on the last day of preschool each year the

A Mario Power Lemonade Stand

One afternoon last week me and the kids found ourselves with a couple of free hours, so I asked them if they wanted to have a lemonade stand.  They both got excited and Henry (my 6 year old) stated, “We should

A Puppy Shower!

So, my sister and her boyfriend just got a new puppy.  An adorable Labradoodle  named “McLovin“.  And what better way for family and friends to meet and welcome the “new addition” than to …  My mom made the invite (pictured above) …

Compost Cup Snack

By far not original, but oh-so-yummy and fun!  I took this spin on the well-known dirt pudding for Henry to bring as snack for kindergarten.  They have been learning about composting in class, so we figured this compost cup snack would

Rainbow Round-Up

When I was a little girl I used to LOVE rainbow projects!  And, I guess I still do!  Here’s a Rainbow Round-Up of projects we’ve been up to … plus, a Rainbow Blog Hop! Coffee Filter Dot-Art Rainbow Suncatchers For these

Our Valentine’s Day 2012

We started the day off yummy and sweet (and super easy) with heart shaped cinnamon rolls and waffles … The kids’ Valentine cards from me were at their spots on the kitchen table.  They were surprised at first … because the

A Fishy Valentine

So, last year Henry picked Rocket Valentines to create … this year we perused my Valentine Pinterest board together and he decided on a pretty fishy one from Tammy Mitchell Photography …  Here’s our version … Super simple … sandwich baggie