snowman Archive
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Frosty Friends: Books about Snowmen
on: by Laura Hutchison
Frigid temperature and lots of fluffy flurries make for some great snowmen weather … but when the temps are too low and the snow isn’t right for packing the next best thing is reading books about snowmen! Here are some of
Winter Holiday Class Party
on: by Laura Hutchison
Last year I was one of 3 room moms for my son’s 1st grade class room, here’s the wonderfully wintery class party we put together! There were 8 stations for the kids to go through. There were 24 in the class,
SnOw MUCH FUN!!! … round up of PlayDrMom’s snow posts
on: by Laura Hutchison
I haven’t lived anywhere else than Michigan, so SNOW has always been a part of my life (at least for 1/4 of the year!). Unlike many others, I really enjoy snow (except driving in a lot of it). Here’s a round
DIY Snowman Snow Measurer
on: by Laura Hutchison
I saw this fabulous idea from Pink and Green Mama on how to turn a paint stick into a super cute Snowman Snow Measurer. We finally had a chance to give it a try. I took a couple of extra paint
Make a Styrofoam Snowman
on: by Laura Hutchison
My daughter, Honor, wanted to go out and make a snowman. However, (epic momma fail) the snow pants that I ordered for her (way too late) had not come in yet. And it was WAY too cold and wet to go
Snowmen Thank-You Notes
on: by Laura Hutchison
‘Tis the Season … to make sure you send out your Thank-you notes! And having your kids take part is very important. Since my kids were old enough to scribble I made sure that they had a role in making and
Snowman Sundae
on: by Laura Hutchison
Here’s a fun and simple treat! A Snowman sundae … 3 small scoops of vanilla ice cream mini chocolate chips for eyes, mouth, & buttons one piece of candy corn for the nose 2 toothpicks for the arms ENJOY!
Simple Snowman
on: by Laura Hutchison
Isn’t he cute? We haven’t had a lot of snow around here until the last day or so, but earlier in the month my son, Henry (age 5), and I made this one. I just took a tin can …
Snowman Glyph
on: by Laura Hutchison
My son, Henry’s kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Walch, comes up with AMAZING projects/assignments/activities for both at school and for “homework”. Each month she assigns a family project; and this month the assignment was to make a Snowman Glyph. I had never even